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Miss Belinda Tyrrell


+44 (0)151 794 8565


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A future for the climate: devolution and participation in climate documentaries

Weissman, E., & Tyrrell, B. (2023). A future for the climate: devolution and participation in climate documentaries. In J. Mair, A. Beck, & J. Ryley (Eds.), Toxic News: Covering Climate Crisis. UK: Bite Sized Books. Retrieved from


What does ‘digital poverty’ look like in a low-income neighbourhood

Tyrrell, B., Southern, A., & Hughes, C. (2023). What does ‘digital poverty’ look like in a low-income neighbourhood.

Presentation material

Local Community Climate Activism, Television and Social Change

Weissmann, E., & Tyrrell, B. (2023). Local Community Climate Activism, Television and Social Change. Social Alternatives.

Journal article

Local Voice:Citizens Assemblies and Community-led Televison

Tyrrell, B., & Weissman, E. (2023). Local Voice:Citizens Assemblies and Community-led Televison.

Presentation material


LGIU Podcast Community Assemblies and Climate Action

Weissmann, E., Tyrrell, B., & Millard, F. (2022). LGIU Podcast Community Assemblies and Climate Action. [Podcast].

Digital or visual media

Love Wavertree Community Climate Action Films

Weissmann, E., Tyrrell, B., MacDonald, P., Scharmann, M., Gibson, M., Ellison, A., . . . Glover, C. (2022). Love Wavertree Community Climate Action Films. [Film/video].

Digital or visual media

Community Voice and Climate Action

Weissmann, E., & Tyrrell, B. (2022). Community Voice and Climate Action. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference. Wavertree Library.


Community Participation in Public Policy Development

Tyrrell, B. (2022). Community Participation in Public Policy Development.

Presentation material


Bridging the community asset gap in Liverpool City Region

Arnold, T., Jarvis, S., Tyrrell, B., & Lanci, G. (2021). Bridging the community asset gap in Liverpool City Region: Bridging the community asset gap in Liverpool City Region. Retrieved from



A perspective of Households into Work, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Tyrrell, B. (2020). A perspective of Households into Work, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from

Website content