'I have high self-compassion': A face-valid single-item self-compassion scale for resource-limited research contexts.
Zhang, J. W., Howell, R. T., Chen, S., Goold, A. R., Bilgin, B., Chai, W. J., & Ramis, T. (2022). 'I have high self-compassion': A face-valid single-item self-compassion scale for resource-limited research contexts.. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 29(4), 1463-1474. doi:10.1002/cpp.2714
A Compassionate Self Is a True Self? Self-Compassion Promotes Subjective Authenticity.
Zhang, J. W., Chen, S., Tomova Shakur, T. K., Bilgin, B., Chai, W. J., Ramis, T., . . . Manukyan, A. (2019). A Compassionate Self Is a True Self? Self-Compassion Promotes Subjective Authenticity.. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 45(9), 1323-1337. doi:10.1177/0146167218820914