The effects of EU-funded enterprise grants on firms and workers*
Murakozy, B., & Telegdy, A. (2023). The effects of EU-funded enterprise grants on firms and workers*. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS, 51(1), 216-234. doi:10.1016/j.jce.2022.09.001
Worker Skills or Firm Wage-Setting Practices? Decomposing Wage Inequality Across 20 OECD Countries
Criscuolo, C., Hijzen, A., Schwellnus, C., Barth, E., Bertheau, A., Chen, W. -H., . . . Zwysen, W. (2023). Worker Skills or Firm Wage-Setting Practices? Decomposing Wage Inequality Across 20 OECD Countries.
High-growth firms' contribution to aggregate productivity growth
Murakozy, B., Marta, B., & de Nicola, F. (2022). High-growth firms' contribution to aggregate productivity growth. Small Business Economics: an international journal.
Into the unknown: The extent and boldness of firms' international footprint
Bekes, G., Benito, G. R. G., Castellani, D., & Murakozy, B. (2021). Into the unknown: The extent and boldness of firms' international footprint. GLOBAL STRATEGY JOURNAL, 11(3), 468-493. doi:10.1002/gsj.1397
Spillovers from High Growth Firms: Evidence from Hungary
de Nicola, F., Murakozy, B., & Tan, S. (n.d.). Spillovers from High Growth Firms: Evidence from Hungary. Small Business Economics: an international journal. doi:10.1007/s11187-019-00296-w
Markups of Exporters and Importers: Evidence from Hungary
Hornok, C., & Murakozy, B. (2019). Markups of Exporters and Importers: Evidence from Hungary. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 121(3), 1303-1333. doi:10.1111/sjoe.12292
Centralization of strategic decisions during the Great Recession
Bakonyi, Z., & Murakozy, B. (2019). Centralization of strategic decisions during the Great Recession. MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS, 40(4), 394-413. doi:10.1002/mde.3010
The ladder of internationalization modes: evidence from European firms
Bekes, G., & Murakozy, B. (2018). The ladder of internationalization modes: evidence from European firms. REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS, 154(3), 455-491. doi:10.1007/s10290-018-0305-9
Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty
Bekes, G., Fontagne, L., Murakozy, B., & Vicard, V. (2017). Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty. REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS, 153(4), 779-807. doi:10.1007/s10290-017-0286-0
Why do within-firm-product export prices differ across markets? Evidence from Hungary
Goerg, H., Halpern, L., & Murakozy, B. (2017). Why do within-firm-product export prices differ across markets? Evidence from Hungary. WORLD ECONOMY, 40(6), 1233-1246. doi:10.1111/twec.12442
Political incentives and state, subsidy allocation: Evidence from Hungarian municipalities
Murakozy, B., & Telegdy, A. (2016). Political incentives and state, subsidy allocation: Evidence from Hungarian municipalities. EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 89, 324-344. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2016.07.003
Measuring productivity premia with many modes of internationalization
Bekes, G., & Murakoezy, B. (2016). Measuring productivity premia with many modes of internationalization. ECONOMICS LETTERS, 139, 61-64. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2015.12.016
Globalization and the markups of European firms
Békés, G., Hornok, C., & Muraközy, B. (2016). Globalization and the markups of European firms.
Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty: An inventory management approach
Békés, G., Fontagné, L., Murakozy, B., & Vicard, V. (2015). Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty: An inventory management approach.
Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty: An inventory management approach
Békés, G., Fontagné, L., Murakozy, B., & Vicard, V. (2015). Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty: An inventory management approach.
Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty.
Békès, G., Fontagné, L., Murakozy, B., & Vicard, V. (2014). Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty..
What makes a successful export? Evidence from firm-product-level data
Goerg, H., Kneller, R., & Murakoezy, B. (2012). What makes a successful export? Evidence from firm-product-level data. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS-REVUE CANADIENNE D ECONOMIQUE, 45(4), 1332-1368. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5982.2012.01734.x
Temporary trade and heterogeneous firms
Bekes, G., & Murakoezy, B. (2012). Temporary trade and heterogeneous firms. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, 87(2), 232-246. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2011.12.007
Innovation, productivity and exports: the case of Hungary
Halpern, L., & Muraközy, B. (2012). Innovation, productivity and exports: the case of Hungary. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 21(2), 151-173. doi:10.1080/10438599.2011.561995
Firms and products in international trade: Evidence from Hungary
Bekes, G., Murakoezy, B., & Harasztosi, P. (2011). Firms and products in international trade: Evidence from Hungary. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, 35(1), 4-24. doi:10.1016/j.ecosys.2010.11.005
Summer workshop of the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Murakoezy, B. (2008). Summer workshop of the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. ACTA OECONOMICA, 58(1), 91-97. doi:10.1556/AOecon.58.2008.1.4
Does distance matter in spillover?
Halpern, L., & Murakoezy, B. (2007). Does distance matter in spillover?. ECONOMICS OF TRANSITION, 15(4), 781-805. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0351.2007.00308.x
Conference reports
Muraközy, B., & Kovács, T. (2007). Conference reports. In Acta Oeconomica Vol. 57 (pp. 87-96). Akademiai Kiado Zrt.. doi:10.1556/aoecon.57.2007.1.6