Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- presentation on the Chaste workshop (Dundee University, 2016)
- presentation in seminar program , by Invitation (ONCOLAB, Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, 2016)
- presentation on the workshop "Cell Mechanics and Pattern Formation", by Invitation (Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2015)
- presentation on the BAMC-2015 (Cambridge, 2015)
- presentation on the BBS annual meeting (Warwick University, 2014)
- presentation on the ESMTB conference (Gothenburg University, 2014)
- presentation on the workshop “Forces in Biology” (Warwick University, 2014)
- presentation on the workshop “Physics of Biology” (University of Geneva, 2013)
- Cross-Faculty Workshop “Shared Challenges in High Performance Computing and Multiscale Modelling” (Liverpool University, 2013)
- presentation on the EMBO workshop “Morphogen gradients” (OXford University, 2013)
- Presentation on the workshop "Multiscale Modelling in Medicine and Biology", Nottingham (CMMB Center, Nottinham University, 2012)
- presentation on workshop "Pattern Formation: The inspiration of Alan Turing" (Mathematical Institute, Oxford, 2012)
- presentation on the workshop "Biophysical mechanisms of Development" (Gulbenkian Insititute, Portugal, 2011)
- invited presentation on Applied Mathematics Seminar, Glasgow University (Glasgow University, 2011)
- presentation on workshop "Development: at the crossroads of Systems Biology " (British Coucil, Ronda Spain, 2010)
- invited talk "Mechanisms of cell movement in biological tissues", by Invitation (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Florida, 2010)
- presentation on the workshop "Biophysical mechanisms of Development" (Gulbenkian Insititute, Portugal, 2009)
- 8th Biocomplexity Workshop, by Invitation (Indiana University, 2005)
- presentation on the SMB/ESTMB conference (Dresden, Germany, 2005)
- 4th Biocomplexity Workshop, by Invitation (University of Notre Dame, 2003)
- presentation on the SMB/ESMTB conference (Milan, Italy, 2002)
- Integrated Genomics Inc, by Invitation (Integrated Genomics Inc, USA, 2001)
- University of Colima, by Invitation (University of Colima. Mexico, 2001)
Event Roles
- workshop "Approximate Approximations and their applications" (the member of organising committee, Liverpool, 2010)
- International Conference on Mathematical Biology (Dundee University, 2003)