Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- The International Conference on Urban Studies: Celebrations, Aspirations and Expectations, by Invitation (Zoom Platform, 2020)
- The Message of Heritage: Dissemination and Interpretation of Cultural Heritage at Various Levels, from School Kids to Experts at Gulf Architecture Project, by Invitation (Qatar National Library, 2019)
- Gulf Architecture Project, by Invitation (Qatar National Library, 2019)
- Collective memory as a criterion for re-nomination on the World Heritage List in post-conflict Syria at The Place of Memory and Memory of Place (Oxford, UK, 2019)
- The Work of Faith at Reconstruction of churches and mosques in post-conflict Syria, by Invitation (Liverpool Medical Institution, Liverpool, 2018)
- International conference: Tangible – Intangible Heritage(s) – Design, Social and Cultural Critiq, by Invitation (2017 - 2018)
- Histories of Postwar Architecture (Invited Reviewer, 2021)
- Sustainability — Open Access Journal (2018 - 2019)
Event Roles
- Exploring Intangible Cultural Heritage in the UK (Workshop, LSA, 2022)
- Heritage and sustainability in education, research, policy & practice at the Liverpool School of Architecture (Talk/Lecture, 2022)
Expert Opinions
- Emerald Insight (2021)
- The EU Concept on Cultural Heritage as a Component for Peace and Security in Conflict and Crisis Zones: Gathering Civil Society Input, Invited (European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, 2021)
- After Islamic State, Invited (Deakin University, 2020 - present)
- Pilot study of the Economic Value of the Liverpool World Heritage Site, Invited (2018)
External Administrative or Committee Roles
- Expert Member, Invited (International Council on Monuments and Sites)
- Reviewer with Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics), Invited (2019 - present)
- ICOMOS-UK Education, Training And Events Committee, Invited (ICOMOS, 2021 - present)
- Committee Member of the Oral Exams for the Faculty of Architecture, Beirut Arab University, Invited (Beirut Arab University, 2020)
- Green Lines Institute (GLI), Portugal, Invited (2013 - present)
Internal Administrative or Committee Roles
- Ethics Review College Member (School / Institute, 2020 - present)
- Architecture UoA Governance Committee Member (REF2021) (School / Institute, 2020 - present)
- University Vice Chancellor Recruitment Joint Committee (University, 2022)
- Senate (Faculty, 2021 - present)
- Research Ethics Committee member (University, 2018 - present)
Media Appearances
- Event explores cultural heritage of Syrians in the UK, Event explores cultural heritage of Syrians in the UK (October 2021)
Professional Body Memberships
- ICOMOS-UK (ICOMOS-UK, 2021 - present)
- (Institute of Historic Building Conservation, Affiliate, 2017 - present)
- (International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism, 2011 - present)
Publication Reviews
- Guest Editor, Invited (Sustainability, Pre-publication, 2019 - present)