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Mrs Ashli Warburton

Lecturer in Orthoptics, Admissions Tutor, SOHS joint WP lead
School of AHPs and Nursing


+44 (0)151 794 4951


I graduated as an Orthoptist from the University of Liverpool in 2009. I held my first clinical post in in Stockport from 2009-2014. I joined the University of Liverpool as a lecturer in Orthoptics in 2014. I am also an honorary clinical Orthoptist at Warrington hospital.

My clinical research interests are around visual function assessments in children and adults. This area of clinical interest has allowed me to collaborate with Kay Pictures in the redevelopment of their paediatric vision assessment. In addition, my pedagogical research interests are around online learning, technology advanced learning and recruitment to HE.

I am a Senior Fellow of Advance HE and I am currently studying for a Professional Doctorate of Education (EdD)