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Arben Kita

Dr Arben Kita


+44 (0)151 795 1648


Arben is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS). Arben obtained his BSc in Economics at the University of Bologna and MSc at Bocconi University in Milan. After graduating from Bocconi, Arben worked in M&A deals for the French multinational Veolia, focusing on renewable energy projects. Arben attained his PhD in Finance at the University of Bangor. Before joining ULMS, Arben lectured at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, the University of Southampton, and Nottingham University Business School.

Arben’s research interests are in empirical asset pricing, behavioural asset pricing, macro-finance, and market microstructure. Arben’s research has been published by the Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Journal of Corporate Finance, and other finance outlets.