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Mr Anthony Manning-Stanley
BSc, MA (Cantab), MSc

Lecturer and Assessment Officer
School of AHPs and Nursing


I have been involved in a wide range of research projects, starting with the dissemination of my undergraduate dose-optimisation study which was followed up by a confirmatory clinical study. In addition, I have been involved in cross-discipline team projects (e.g. research methods, Delphi consensus study into simulated placements) as well as leading on profession specific research projects. I have also supervised and published as co-author a number of student dissertations as well as having outputs from two student projects funded by the College of Radiographers Industrial Partnership Scheme (CoRIPS). More latterly, my research interests are focussed on the intersection of technology, pedagogy and Diagnostic Radiography, and I hope to be able to apply for an award of PhD by published works in the near future.