The impact of COVID-19 on the social and cultural integration of international students: A literature review
Magliacane, A., Sin, C., & Tavares, O. (n.d.). The impact of COVID-19 on the social and cultural integration of international students: A literature review. Comparative Education.
Social Aspects in Language Learning: New Perspectives from Study‐Abroad Research
Devlin, A. M., Magliacane, A., & Paradowski, M. B. (2024). Social Aspects in Language Learning: New Perspectives from Study‐Abroad Research. Language Learning, 74(S2), 5-23. doi:10.1111/lang.12691
Language Learning Journal
Magliacane, A., Devlin, A. M., & Paradowski, M. (Eds.) (n.d.). Language Learning Journal (Vol. 2024). Taylor & Francis.
Study Abroad in the time of COVID: (Re)Shaping Language Learning Affordances
Devlin, A. M., & Magliacane, A. (2023). Study Abroad in the time of COVID: (Re)Shaping Language Learning Affordances. Journal of international Mobility, N° 10(1), 55-75. doi:10.3917/jim.010.0055
“What slowly kills me and frustrates me is …” Study Abroad during Covid-19: Student Narratives of Space, Language Contact and Individual Agency
Magliacane, A., & Devlin, A. M. (2021). “What slowly kills me and frustrates me is …” Study Abroad during Covid-19: Student Narratives of Space, Language Contact and Individual Agency. I LanD Journal, (2), 8-27. doi:10.26379/IL2021002_002
I-LanD Journal
Magliacane, A., Devlin, A. M., & Iwasaki, N. (Eds.) (2020). I-LanD Journal (Vol. 1/2020).
Negotiation of L2 Identities in the age of transnational mobility: Enactment, perception, status, and language development
Magliacane, A., Devlin, A. M., & Iwasaki, N. (2020). Negotiation of L2 Identities in the age of transnational mobility: Enactment, perception, status, and language development. I-LanD Journal. doi:10.26379/IL2020001_001
Erasmus students in an Irish studyabroad context
Magliacane, A. (2020). Erasmus students in an Irish studyabroad context. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 5(1), 89-118. doi:10.1075/sar.18008.mag
Sociolinguistic Variation and Second Language Acquisition: Learners of English in a Study Abroad Context
Caliendo, G., & Magliacane, A. (2019). Sociolinguistic Variation and Second Language Acquisition: Learners of English in a Study Abroad Context. In G. Caliendo, R. Janssens, S. Slembrouck, & P. Van Avermaet (Eds.), Urban multilingualism in the European Union: bridging the gap between language policies and language practices (pp. 167). Mouton de Gruyter.
L’utilizzo di marcatori discorsivi nella lingua seconda: uno studio longitudinale sull’utilizzo di ‘you know’ da parte di studenti Erasmus
Magliacane, A. (2019). L’utilizzo di marcatori discorsivi nella lingua seconda: uno studio longitudinale sull’utilizzo di ‘you know’ da parte di studenti Erasmus. In E. Nuzzo, & I. Vedder (Eds.), Lingua in contesto. La prospettiva pragmatica. (pp. 215-230). Milano: Studi AitLA.
The role of learner status in the acquisition of pragmatic markers during study abroad: The use of ‘like’ in L2 English
Magliacane, A., & Howard, M. (2019). The role of learner status in the acquisition of pragmatic markers during study abroad: The use of ‘like’ in L2 English. Journal of Pragmatics, 146, 72-86. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2019.01.026
Input Exposure Conditions in Study Abroad Contexts: A Comparison between two Study Abroad Experiences in Ireland
Magliacane, A. (2018). Input Exposure Conditions in Study Abroad Contexts: A Comparison between two Study Abroad Experiences in Ireland. In L. Landolfi (Ed.), Framing Minds. English and Affective Neurosciences (pp. 132-142). Naples: Liguori Editore.
Family members or workers?: Insights into sociopragmatic development and the au pair experience in an SA context
Magliacane, A. (2018). Family members or workers?: Insights into sociopragmatic development and the au pair experience in an SA context. In A. Sánchez Hernández, & A. Herraiz (Eds.), Pragmatics beyond traditional contexts (pp. 285-314). Berlin: Peter Lang.