Professional Activities
- Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Belief and Culture (Invited Editorial Board, 2019 - present)
Examination Roles
- University of Manchester, History (PhD, 2019)
- Manchester Metropolitan University, History (UG, 2013 - 2017)
External Administrative or Committee Roles
- Ecclesiastical History Society committee member and trustee, Invited (University of Nottingham, 2021 - 2024)
- Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Belief and Culture, editorial board member, LUP Book Series, Invited (2021 - present)
- General Secretary of the European Reformation Research Group (2015 - present)
Internal Administrative or Committee Roles
- Taught Postgraduate Degree Lead for History (Department, 2021 - present)
- AHRC NWCDTP Pathway Lead (Department, 2017 - 2019)
- Director of the Liverpool Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (University, 2021 - present)
- PGR Recruitment Lead for History (School / Institute, 2016 - 2019)
Professional Body Memberships
- Royal Historical Society (Fellow, 2016 - present)
- Ecclesiastical History Society (Member, 2019 - present)
- Renaissance Society of America (Member, 2017 - present)
- Sixteenth Century Society (Member, 2015 - present)
Publication Reviews
- Reviewer, Invited (Bloomsbury, Pre-publication, 2015 - present)
- Reviewer, Invited (Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Pre-publication, 2017 - present)
- Reviewer, Invited (Cultural History, Pre-publication, 2016 - present)
- Reviewer, Invited (Manchester University Press, Pre-publication, 2016 - present)