Planting for “posterity”: Wordsworthian tree planting in the English Lake District
Burton, A. (2024). Planting for “posterity”: Wordsworthian tree planting in the English Lake District. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 46(4), 513-526. doi:10.1080/08905495.2024.2388161
‘Tree Mountaineers’: Arboreal Materiality on the Fells in the Lakeland Guides of William Wordsworth and Harriet Martineau
Burton, A. (2022). ‘Tree Mountaineers’: Arboreal Materiality on the Fells in the Lakeland Guides of William Wordsworth and Harriet Martineau. Green Letters, 26(4), 412-424. doi:10.1080/14688417.2023.2217195
Ruins and Old Trees: Silvicultural Landscapes and Gilpin’s 'Picturesque' in the Long Nineteenth-Century Novel
Burton, A. E. (2018, June 14). Ruins and Old Trees: Silvicultural Landscapes and Gilpin’s 'Picturesque' in the Long Nineteenth-Century Novel.
Reading Stratigraphical Woodscapes in Thomas Hardy's <i>The Woodlanders</i>
Burton, A. (2017). Reading Stratigraphical Woodscapes in Thomas Hardy's <i>The Woodlanders</i>. VICTORIOGRAPHIES-A JOURNAL OF NINETEENTH-CENTURY WRITING 1790-1914, 7(3), 210-223. doi:10.3366/vic.2017.0280