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Andrew Woodhouse

Dr Andrew Woodhouse



Critical approaches to EU and UK public law

Andrew's research interests lie in the area of constitutional law and theory in the context of the UK and the European Union. His current research project is an assessment of different environmental critiques of EU action, incoporating perspectives from critical political economy. He has organised a webinar series focusing on such political economy approaches to EU law entitled EU Law and the Critique of Capitalism to run from March-April 2021.

EU law

Andrew's PhD research focused on the role of national parliaments in the European Union. The thesis was entitled "The Relationship between National Parliaments and the European Union: Ten Years after Lisbon", and was submitted in August 2018. He has published on this topic in the leading European law journal, the Common Market Law Review. The article was entitled "With Great Power, Comes No Responsibility? The "Political Exception" to Duties of Sincere Cooperation for National Parliaments" and discussed the potential for the Court of Justice to place legal obligations on the role of national parliaments in the European Union's legislative process.
His work on the potential for judicial review of national parliamentary action in the EU legislative process was published in the Common Market Law Review.