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Andrew Russell

Professor Andrew Russell


+44 (0)151 794 2452


Andrew is currently on research leave (until September 2023).

His book on the Liberal Democrats "From Hope to despair to where?" - co-written with David Cutts and Joshua Townsley will be published by Manchester University Press in 2023.

He is currently finishing a research monograph on European Roma "The Politics of Unbelonging" with Andreja Zevnik.

Political parties and contemporay politics

Andrew has written extensively on political parties and electoral engagement. He is happy to supervise PhDs in any cognate area of UK or Comparative politics.

He is currently working with Prof David Cutts (University of Birmingham) on a book about the post-coalition Liberal Democrats (Manchester University Press), provisionally titled "From Despair to Where?"

Relevant publications include:-
* Andrew Russell and Ed Fieldhouse (2005) Neither Left Nor Right? The Liberal Democrats and the Electorate (Manchester, Manchester University Press).
* Andrew Russell (2010) “Inclusion, exclusion or obscurity? The 2010 general election and the implications of the Con–Lib coalition for third-party politics in Britain” Journal of British Politics, 5, 506–524. doi:10.1057/bp.2010.24
* Andrew Russell (2005) “Political Parties as Vehicles for Political Engagement” Parliamentary Affairs 58 (3): 555-569.
* Ed Fieldhouse; and Andrew Russell (2001) “Latent Liberalism? Sympathy and Support for the Liberal Democrats” Party Politics, 6; 711-38.
* Andrew Russell; David Denver; David Cutts; Ed Fieldhouse and Justin Fisher (2008). “Non-Party Activity in the 2005 U.K. General
Election: ‘Promoting or procuring electoral success’?” David Farrell and Rudiger Schmitt-Beck (eds.), Competitors to Parties in Electoral Politics: The Rise of Non-party Actors. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag, 103-26.

Hard to reach groups 1: Youth

Andrew has an established record on research into young people and politics. His work for the Electoral Commission in the early 2000s was important in leading to the law change of 2006 that changed the minimum age of candidature in all UK elections from 21 to 18.

Andrew is currently finishing his book on Youth and Politics - a comparative study which includes analysis of political engagement of young people in the UK, Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.

He is happy to be involved in PhD Supervision for any aspect of youth politics.

Relevant publications include:-

* Electoral Commission (2004) The Age of Electoral Majority – report and recommendations on the minimum age of voting and

* Andrew Russell; Ed Fieldhouse; Virinder Kalra; and Kingsley Purdam (2002) Young People and Voter Engagement in Britain
London, Electoral Commission.

* Ed Fieldhouse; Mark Tranmer; and Andrew Russell (2007) “Something about young people or something about elections? Electoral participation of young people in Europe: evidence from a multilevel analysis of the European Social Survey.” European Journal of Political Research 46, 797-822.

* Andrew Russell (2015) “The Policy Few People Want Remains Irresistible: Lowering the Voting Age” in Sex, Lies and the
Ballot Box, Philip Cowley and Robert Ford (eds) Biteback Press 1849547556.
Finally, the one book you need before the election. This is a wonderfully eclectic collection of academic
research translated into normal English. I can pay no higher tribute to it than to say that someone I know supported votes at 16 until he read
the short chapter on the subject. This book may not change your life but it may change your mind. John Rentoul, Independent: Politics Books of 2014

Andrew speaking in Slovenian parliament on Representation of Roma in Slovenia - December 2017

Hard to reach groups 2; marginalised communities

Andrew is currently working on a project which looks at marginalised communities in Europe (especially Roma in East Central Europe) and North America (especially African American communities). He is working with Dr Andreja Zevnik (University of Manchester) and colleagues at the University of Chicago on this developing project.

He is particularly keen to recruit PhD students in this area.

Relevant publications include:-
* Kingsley Purdam; Ed Fieldhouse; Virinder Kalra; and Andrew Russell (2002) Black and Minority Ethnic Groups and Voter Engagement in Britain London, Electoral Commission.