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Andrew Pettitt

Professor Andrew Pettitt
MA, MB BChir, PhD, MRCP, FRCPath

Ronald Finn Professor of Experimental Medicine and Honorary Consultant Haematologist (Clatterbridge Cancer Centre)
Molecular & Clinical Cancer Medicine

Professional Activities

At local level, Andrew is an Honorary Consultant Haemato-Oncologist at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre (CCC) NHS Foundation Trust and University representative on the CCC Council of Governors. At national level, in addition to his role as NCRI CSG Chair, he is a Trustee for the UK CLL Forum, a Medical Advisor to Bloodwise, Leukaemia Care, Lymphoma Action and the CLL Support Association, and a previous member of the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Awards and Advisory Committee (CTAAC). He has represented the Royal College of Physicians and NCRI as a medical expert at multiple NICE appraisals and has ongoing collaborations with several pharma companies including Celgene, Gilead, GSK/Novartis, Napp and Roche.

Professional Body Memberships

  • British Society for Haematology (Member, 2000 - present)
  • Royal College of Pathologists (Member, 2000 - present)
  • Royal College of Physicians (Member, 1991 - present)