Plenary Lecture, 21st International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, 2011)
Invited Talk, CECAM Workshop, "Liquid/Solid interfaces: Structure and dynamics from spectroscopy and, by Invitation (CECAM, 2011)
Invited Talk, March Meeting, American Physcal Society, by Invitation (APS, 2011)
Invited Talk, Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces, by Invitation (ERPS, 2010)
van Marum Colloquium, University of Leiden, Netherlands, by Invitation (Department of Chemistry, University of Leiden, 2009)
Invited talk: 5th International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology (ISSS-5), by Invitation (Japanese Chem Soc, ISSP and JPS, 2008)
Faraday Discussion, Water at Interfaces, by Invitation (Faraday Division, 2008)
Invited Talk: 9th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS-9), by Invitation (9th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS-9), 2008)
Invited talk: 13th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces, Cambridge, UK, by Invitation (13th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces, 2008)
Invited talk: Molecular Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Water, Shanghai, China, by Invitation (Molecular Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Water, Shanghai, China, 2007)
Invited talk: Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces, Donastia, Spain, by Invitation (Workshop: Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces, 2007)
Invited talk Wetting and multilayer growth on metal surfaces, ECOSS, Paris, by Invitation (ECOSS24, Paris, 2006)
Invited talk: Relaxation and reorientation in thin water films, Pacifichem, 2005, by Invitation (Pacifichem 2005, Symposium on Proton Transfer/Transport of H-Bonded Solids, Liquids, Clusters and Interfaces, jointly sponsored by American Chemical Society and the Chemical Societies of Australia, China, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand,, 2005)
Invited talk ¿The structure of water on Pt(111) and Ru(0001)¿, by Invitation (Institute of Physics Meeting, Ice Surfaces and Interfaces, Cambridge, 2005)
Invited talk ¿Water adsorption at metal surfaces¿, by Invitation (Spring 2005 American Chemical Society National Meeting, Symposium on "Water: Structure, Dynamics and Reactions Across the Phase Diagram." San Diego, USA, 2005)
Invited talk ¿State resolved measurements of surface reaction¿, by Invitation (15th CRC International Symposium on Catalytic Reaction Dynamics and Surface Nano-structures, University at Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2004)
Invited talk ¿Structure of metal-ice films and reaction dynamics at ice surfaces', by Invitation (Ice, Icy Surfaces, and Icy Particles, Telluride Science Research Center Workshop, Telluride, Colorado, 2004)
Invited talk ¿Water and mixed OH/water overlayers at metal surfaces¿, by Invitation (16th International Vacuum Congress, 12th International Conference on Solid Surfaces, and 8th International Conference on Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology, Venice, Italy, 2004)
Invited talk ¿Reactions at ice surfaces', by Invitation (EPSRC Summer School on Surface Science, 2002)
Invited talk ¿Recombination of hot H atoms from the subsurface of Ni(111)¿, by Invitation (Gordon Research Conference, ¿Dynamics at Surfaces¿, USA, 2001)
Invited talk ¿Dissociation of N2: are dynamics important in describing dissociation of a "heavy" mol, by Invitation (March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2001)
Invited paper ¿Recombinative desorption of excited hydrogen atoms from the sub-surface region of Ni, by Invitation (Faraday Discussion 117, ¿Excited States at Surfaces¿, 2000)
Invited talk ¿The formation of nitrogen in surface reactions¿, by Invitation (3rd European Conference on Lasers in Surface Science, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 2000)
Examination Roles
University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), BSc (UG, 2010)
University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), BSc (UG, 2009)
University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), BSc (UG, 2008)
University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), BSc (UG, 2008)
University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), BSc (UG, 2007)
University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), BSc (UG, 2006)
Queen Mary & Westfield College (University of London), PhD (2005)