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Amie Wilson

Miss Amie Wilson


Amie graduated as a vet from the University of Glasgow in 2014 with commendation. After graduating, she worked in a first opinion equine practice in beautiful Northumberland for three years. In 2017 she spent a year travelling the world, and worked for a foal season in rural New South Wales, Australia. In 2018 she moved home to Cheshire, to work in a busy equine hospital for 12 months before joining us.

Amie joined our team in 2019 and undertook a residency in Equine Internal Medicine. Since joining us, Amie has gained an RCVS Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice in Equine Medicine and passed her ECEIM diploma in Equine Internal Medicine. She is now a recognised RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine, working as a clinician at the Equine Hospital as well as lecturing undergraduates and delivering postgraduate CPD.

Clinically she enjoys all areas of equine internal medicine and has particular interests in infectious respiratory disease and gastrointestinal disorders. Her research interests are equine infectious disease and preventative healthcare. She is due to complete a Masters in Veterinary Epidemiology in 2024 before embarking on a PhD investigating equine herpesvirus.

Since 2023 Amie has overseen the internship program at the equine hospital. In her spare time, Amie enjoys running, as well as walking her beautiful Labradors Rum and Raisin.