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Professional Activities

Conference Roles

  • Invited plenary talk at the String Phenomenology 2011 conference, by Invitation (University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2011)
  • Invited plenary talk at the StringVac 2011 conference Pusan, Korea 5-7 September 2011, by Invitation (StringVac 2011, 2011)
  • Invited plenary talk "String Phenomenology 2010", Paris, France, 5-9 July 2010, by Invitation (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 2010)
  • Invited talk presented at the KITP workshop on Strings at the LHC and in the Early Universe, by Invitation (Kavli Institute for theoretical physics, 2010)
  • Invited talk at Corfu Summer Institute 2010, by Invitation (Corfu Summer Institute, 2010)
  • Invitattion to speak at the GGI workshop on new perspectives in string theory, by Invitation (Galileo Galilei Institute, 2009)
  • Invited talk at Corfu Summer Institute 2009, by Invitation (Corfu Summer Institute, 2009)
  • Invited plenary talk "String Phenomenology 2009", Warsaw, Poland, 15-19 June 2009, by Invitation (Warsaw university, 2009)
  • Invited talk presented at the UKBSM08 workshop, by Invitation (University of Sussex, 2008)
  • Invited talk presented at the second international workshop on quantum trajectories, by Invitation (Los Alamos National Lab, 2008)
  • Invited plenary talk "String Phenomenology 2007", Rome, Italy, 4-8 June 2007;, by Invitation (SP2007, 2007)
  • invited plenary talk ``String Phenomenology 2006", Santa--Barbara California, 29 August 2006., by Invitation (KITP UCSB, 2006)
  • Invited talk at the fourth international conference on quantum theory and symmetries, by Invitation (Bulgaria academy of sciences, 2005)
  • invited plenary talk ``String Phenomenology 2005'', Munich, Germany, 13--18 July 2005;, by Invitation (String Phenomenology 2005, 2005)
  • Invited plenary talk ``String theory in the real world'', Columbus Ohio, 7-9 Novemver 2005;, by Invitation (Ohio State University , 2005)
  • Invited plenary talk ``PLANCK04'', Bonn, Germany 23--28 May 2004;, by Invitation (PLANCK04, 2004)
  • invited plenary talk ``String Phenomenology 2004'', Ann--Arbor, Michigan, 1--6 August 2004;, by Invitation (University of Michigan, 2004)
  • invited plenary talk ``PLANCK03'', Madrid, Spain 26--31 May 2003;, by Invitation (PLANCK03, 2003)
  • Invited plenary talk ``SUGRA 20 conference'', NE Univeristy, Boston MA, 17--21 March 2003;, by Invitation (Northeastern Univeristy, 2003)
  • invited plenary talk ``Beyond the Desert 03'', Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany 9--14 June 2003;, by Invitation (Beyond the Desert 03, 2003)
  • invited plenary talk at the ``Beyond the Desert 02 conference'', Oulu, Finland 2--7 June 2002., by Invitation (Beyond the Desert 02 conference, 2002)
  • invited plenary talk at ``Non--linear quantum mechanics'', King's College, London, 11-14 Sep 2002, by Invitation (King's college, 2002)
  • Invited plenary talk "EU-AEFNET midterm Meeting'', Paris France, 11-14 Dec 2002;, by Invitation (EU-AEFNET network, 2002)
  • Invited plenary talk at the ``PatiFest'', College Park MD, 3--4 May 2002;, by Invitation (University of Maryland, 2002)
  • Invited talk "EU-AEFNET Workshop Meeting'', Corfu Greece, 10--12 September 2001;, by Invitation (EU-AEFNET network, 2001)
  • invited plenary talk at LPTH ENS XXXIIth Summer Institute, by Invitation (Ecole Normal Superier, Paris, 2001)
  • Invited plenary talk at the ``EUROGDR Workshop Meeting'', Durham UK, 18--20 April 2002;, by Invitation (EU-AEFNET network, 2001)

Examination Roles

  • King's College (University of London), PhD (2010)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Theoretical Physics divisional director of graduate studies.
  • Deputy head of cluster
  • Member of research committee