Selected publications
- Re-grounding the city with Polanyi: From urban entrepreneurialism to entrepreneurial municipalism (Journal article - 2020)
- The Scale, Scope and Value of the Liverpool City Region Social Economy (Report - 2017)
- Public Policy and Devolved Governance Facilitating the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Liverpool City Region (Report - 2020)
- Multipartite attitudes to enterprise: A comparative study of young people and place (Journal article - 2020)
- Anchoring the social economy at the metropolitan scale: Findings from the Liverpool City Region (Journal article - 2020)
- The world of work and the crisis of capitalism: Marx and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Journal article - 2019)
- Generative Anger: From Social Enterprise to Antagonistic Economies (Journal article - 2020)
- The crafting of an (un)enterprising community: Context and the social practice of talk (Journal article - 2017)
Towards measuring food insecurity stigma: development and validation of the Food Insecurity Self-stigma Scale and the Food Support Experiences Scale.
Taylor, N., Boyland, E., Christiansen, P., Southern, A., & Hardman, C. A. (2024). Towards measuring food insecurity stigma: development and validation of the Food Insecurity Self-stigma Scale and the Food Support Experiences Scale.. BMC public health, 24(1), 3349. doi:10.1186/s12889-024-20878-y
Collective entrepreneurship in low-income communities: The importance of collective ownership, collective processes and collective goods
Cairns, I., Southern, A., & Whittam, G. (2024). Collective entrepreneurship in low-income communities: The importance of collective ownership, collective processes and collective goods. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 42(3), 335-364. doi:10.1177/02662426231197939
Towards measuring food insecurity stigma: Development and validation of the Food Insecurity Self- Stigma Scale and the Food Support Experiences Scale
The case for social broadband: People and communities
Southern, A., Tyrrell, B., & Hughes, C. (2023). The case for social broadband: People and communities: The case for social broadband: People and communities.
Conceptualising food banking in the UK: A mixed studies systematic review and directed content analysis
Taylor, N., Boyland, E., Southern, A., Davison, R., & Hardman, C. A. (2023). Conceptualising food banking in the UK: A mixed studies systematic review and directed content analysis. Appetite, 189, 106917. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2023.106917
What does ‘digital poverty’ look like in a low-income neighbourhood
Tyrrell, B., Southern, A., & Hughes, C. (2023). What does ‘digital poverty’ look like in a low-income neighbourhood.
The case for social broadband: Addressing digital poverty
Southern, A., Tyrrell, B., & Hughes, C. (2023). The case for social broadband: Addressing digital poverty: The case for social broadband: Addressing digital poverty.
Urban commoning under adverse conditions: lessons from a failed transdisciplinary project (vol 3, 727331, 2021)
Zielke, J., Hepburn, P., Thompson, M., & Southern, A. (2023). Urban commoning under adverse conditions: lessons from a failed transdisciplinary project (vol 3, 727331, 2021). FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES, 5. doi:10.3389/frsc.2023.1205886
Conceptualising food banking in the UK: A mixed studies systematic review and directed content analysis
Taylor, N., Boyland, E., Southern, A., Davison, R., & Hardman, C. A. (2023). Conceptualising food banking in the UK: A mixed studies systematic review and directed content analysis. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(OCE5). doi:10.1017/s0029665123004160
Post-Pandemic Renewal Has to Be Reimagined in Radical Ways: Making the Case for New Municipalism in Liverpool City Region
Furmedge, P., Hughes, C., Southern, A., & Thompson, M. (2022). Post-Pandemic Renewal Has to Be Reimagined in Radical Ways: Making the Case for New Municipalism in Liverpool City Region. In Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management (pp. 83-99). Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/s2045-794420220000007007
Urban Commoning Under Adverse Conditions: Lessons From a Failed Transdisciplinary Project
Zielke, J., Hepburn, P., Thompson, M., & Southern, A. (n.d.). Urban Commoning Under Adverse Conditions: Lessons From a Failed Transdisciplinary Project. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3. doi:10.3389/frsc.2021.727331
Anchoring the social economy at the metropolitan scale: Findings from the Liverpool City Region
Thompson, M., Southern, A., & Heap, H. (2020). Anchoring the social economy at the metropolitan scale: Findings from the Liverpool City Region. Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies. doi:10.1177/0042098020972654
Public Policy and Devolved Governance Facilitating the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Liverpool City Region
Heap, H., Southern, A., & Thompson, M. (2020). Public Policy and Devolved Governance Facilitating the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Liverpool City Region (Working Paper 2020-13). UNRISD, Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. Retrieved from
Re-grounding the city with Polanyi: From urban entrepreneurialism to entrepreneurial municipalism
Thompson, M., Nowak, V., Southern, A., Davies, J., & Furmedge, P. (2020). Re-grounding the city with Polanyi: From urban entrepreneurialism to entrepreneurial municipalism. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 52(6), 1171-1194. doi:10.1177/0308518x19899698
Building Back Better: Challenging the “Old Normal” to Deliver Social Innovation in Liverpool City Region
Heap, H., Southern, A., & Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, P. A. P. (n.d.). Building Back Better: Challenging the “Old Normal” to Deliver Social Innovation in Liverpool City Region. doi:10.17638/03101166
Generative Anger: From Social Enterprise to Antagonistic Economies
North, P., Nowak, V., Southern, A., & Thompson, M. (2020). Generative Anger: From Social Enterprise to Antagonistic Economies. RETHINKING MARXISM-A JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS CULTURE & SOCIETY, 32(3), 330-347. doi:10.1080/08935696.2020.1780669
Multipartite attitudes to enterprise: A comparative study of young people and place
Parkinson, C., Nowak, V., Howorth, C., & Southern, A. (2020). Multipartite attitudes to enterprise: A comparative study of young people and place. INTERNATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS JOURNAL-RESEARCHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 38(4), 293-317. doi:10.1177/0266242619892829
The world of work and the crisis of capitalism: Marx and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Hughes, C., & Southern, A. (2019). The world of work and the crisis of capitalism: Marx and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. JOURNAL OF CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGY, 19(1), 59-71. doi:10.1177/1468795X18810577
Community Land Trusts, affordable housing and community organising in low-income neighbourhoods
Engelsman, E., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2018). Community Land Trusts, affordable housing and community organising in low-income neighbourhoods. International Journal of Housing Policy, 18(01), 103-123. doi:10.1080/14616718.2016.1198082
The Scale, Scope and Value of the Liverpool City Region Social Economy
Heap, H., Southern, A., & Thompson, M. (2017). The Scale, Scope and Value of the Liverpool City Region Social Economy: The Scale, Scope and Value of the Liverpool City Region Social Economy.
Professional Accreditation: An Investigation into the Case of Online
Reid, I., Dalziel, M., Southern, A., & Argyropoulou, M. (2018). Professional Accreditation: An Investigation into the Case of Online. In On the Line (pp. 281-302). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-62776-2_21
How to deliver great jobs: towards a regional industrial strategy for Liverpool City Region
Southern, A., Thompson, M., Davies, J., Nowak, V., & Furmedge, P. (n.d.). How to deliver great jobs: towards a regional industrial strategy for Liverpool City Region. Trade Union Congress (TUC).
The tyranny of research? Urban regeneration, ethnography, and the problem of unintended consequences
Engelsman., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2017). The tyranny of research? Urban regeneration, ethnography, and the problem of unintended consequences. Community Development, 48(4), 582-596. doi:10.1080/15575330.2017.1321557
The crafting of an (un)enterprising community: Context and the social practice of talk
Parkinson, C., Howorth, C., & Southern, A. (2017). The crafting of an (un)enterprising community: Context and the social practice of talk. International Small Business Journal, 35(4), 385-404. doi:10.1177/0266242615621123
Ecological empowerment and Enterprise Zones: pain free transitions to sustainable production in cities or fool's gold?
Monaghan, P., North, P., & Southern, A. (2016). Ecological empowerment and Enterprise Zones: pain free transitions to sustainable production in cities or fool's gold?. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 134, 395-405. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.03.013
The Challenge to Entrepreneurship Educators (<i>Non Obstante</i> David Birch)
Heywood, D., & Southern, A. (2016). The Challenge to Entrepreneurship Educators (<i>Non Obstante</i> David Birch). In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (pp. 257-264). Retrieved from
Narratives of Urban Resistance: The Community Land Trust
Engelsman, U., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2016). Narratives of Urban Resistance: The Community Land Trust. ARCHITECTURE_MPS, 9(1), 1-+. doi:10.14324/111.444.amps.2016v9i1.001
Community Land Trusts: A Radical or Reformist Response to <i>The Housing Question</i> Today?
Engelsman, U., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2016). Community Land Trusts: A Radical or Reformist Response to <i>The Housing Question</i> Today?. ACME-AN INTERNATIONAL E-JOURNAL FOR CRITICAL GEOGRAPHIES, 15(3), 590-615. Retrieved from
Chapter 5: The re-appropriation of enterprise and urban entrepreneurialism
Southern, A., & Whittam, G. (2015). Chapter 5: The re-appropriation of enterprise and urban entrepreneurialism. In Entrepreneurship in Cities (pp. 80-102). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781784712006.00013
The re-appropriation of enterprise and urban entrepreneurialism
Southern, A., & Whittam, G. (2015). The re-appropriation of enterprise and urban entrepreneurialism. In Entrepreneurship in Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781784712006.00013
Book Reviews
Zhou, J., & Southern, A. (2015). Book Reviews. Town Planning Review, 86(5), 621-624. doi:10.3828/tpr.2015.36
Young People and Entrepreneurial Cultures In Low-Income Communities
Parkinson, C., Nowak, V., Howorth, C., & Southern, A. (2015, June 18). Young People and Entrepreneurial Cultures In Low-Income Communities. In 8th ICEIRD Conference Entrepreneurship, Employment and Exclusion (pp. 1-20). Sheffield.
A critical reflection on an old and new city-region connecting to the global knowledge economy
Athar, A. R., Giordano, B., & Southern, A. (2015, May 24). A critical reflection on an old and new city-region connecting to the global knowledge economy. In Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 2015 (pp. 1-30). Piacenza, Italy.
Don't Answer Back! The Community Land Trust and Narratives of Urban Resistance
Engelsman, E., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (n.d.). Don't Answer Back! The Community Land Trust and Narratives of Urban Resistance. In Housing – A Critical Perspective (pp. 1-16). Liverpool.
Community Action and Planning: Contexts, Drivers and Outcomes
Southern, A. (2015). Community Action and Planning: Contexts, Drivers and Outcomes. TOWN PLANNING REVIEW, 86(5), 623-624. Retrieved from
Re-imagining Enterprising Activities in the Liverpool City-region: A Shift from a Syndicalist Past to an Entrepreneurial Future
Southern, A. (2014). Re-imagining Enterprising Activities in the Liverpool City-region: A Shift from a Syndicalist Past to an Entrepreneurial Future. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 3(4), 157-179. Retrieved from
Re-imagining Enterprising Activities in the Liverpool City-region: A Shift from a Syndicalist Past to an Entrepreneurial Future
Southern, A. (2014). Re-imagining Enterprising Activities in the Liverpool City-region: A Shift from a Syndicalist Past to an Entrepreneurial Future. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 3(4), 157-179. Retrieved from
Any Place for Business? The Future of Entrepreneurial Cultures in More and Less Deprived Places
Parkinson, C., Nowak, V., Howorth, C., & Southern, A. (2014). Any Place for Business? The Future of Entrepreneurial Cultures in More and Less Deprived Places. In Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (pp. 1-16). Manchester.
Community Land Trusts and the 'Value' of Housing: Progress, Poverty and the Housing Question
Englesman, U., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2014). Community Land Trusts and the 'Value' of Housing: Progress, Poverty and the Housing Question. In Housing Studies Association Annual Conference (pp. 18). York: HSA.
Regeneration beyond austerity: A collective viewpoint
Southern, A., Pugalis, L., Liddle, J., Rowe, M., & Headlam, N. (2014). Regeneration beyond austerity: A collective viewpoint. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 7(2), 188-197. Retrieved from
Something is stirring in Anfield: Elite Premier League football and localism
Southern, A. (2014). Something is stirring in Anfield: Elite Premier League football and localism. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 29(3), 195-212. doi:10.1177/0269094214530362
The (re)appropriation of enterprise and urban entrepreneurialism
Southern, A., & Whittham, G. (2014). The (re)appropriation of enterprise and urban entrepreneurialism. In ESRC Seminar Series Entrepreneurship in Homes and Neighbourhoods (pp. 20). Glasgow: ESRC Seminar Series Entrepreneurship in Homes and Neighbourhoods.
Book review: Entrepreneurial Imagination: Time, Timing, Space and Place in Business Action
Southern, A. (2013). Book review: Entrepreneurial Imagination: Time, Timing, Space and Place in Business Action. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 31(2), 233-235. doi:10.1177/0266242612466796
Community land trusts, affordable housing and low income neighbourhoods
Englesman, U., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2013). Community land trusts, affordable housing and low income neighbourhoods. In New solutions for housing and regeneration: communities, ownership and mutuality workshop (pp. 20). St Andrews: Centre for Housing Research.
Re-imagining enterprising activities in the Liverpool city-region: the influence of syndicalism and the desire for entrepreneurialism
Southern, A. (2013). Re-imagining enterprising activities in the Liverpool city-region: the influence of syndicalism and the desire for entrepreneurialism. In Cities regeneration processes: the role of entrepreneurs, residents and tourists (pp. 20). Le Havre: Le Havre University.
‘Regeneration’ in a time of austerity will mean the death of this metaphor, but what will come next?
Southern, A. (n.d.). ‘Regeneration’ in a time of austerity will mean the death of this metaphor, but what will come next?. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 6(4), 399. doi:10.69554/gagd6056
Conclusion: The role of enterprise in addressing social and economic inequalities
Southern, A., & Parkinson, C. (2012). Conclusion: The role of enterprise in addressing social and economic inequalities. In Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion: The Role of Small Business in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities (pp. 297-305).
Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion: The Role of Small Business in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities
Southern, A. (Ed.) (2011). Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion: The Role of Small Business in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203817773
Introduction: Enterprise and Deprivation
Introduction: Enterprise and Deprivation (2012). In Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion (pp. 7-21). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203817773-4
Book Review: The Economic Geography of the UK
Southern, A. (2012). Book Review: The Economic Geography of the UK. Unknown Journal, 4(103), 502-505.
Contested space: community land trusts and the struggle for sustainable housing in inner city neighbourhoods
Southern, A. (2012). Contested space: community land trusts and the struggle for sustainable housing in inner city neighbourhoods. In AAG (pp. 14). New York: AAG.
Enterprise in depleted communities
Southern, A. (2012). Enterprise in depleted communities. In AAG (pp. 15). New York: AAG.
The Proposed Football Quarter in North Liverpool: Preparing for an Impact Study
Southern, A. (2011). The Proposed Football Quarter in North Liverpool: Preparing for an Impact Study. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
The Role of Enterprise in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities
Southern, A., & Parkinson, C. (2011). The Role of Enterprise in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities. In A. Southern, J. Mitra, & Z. Acs (Eds.), Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion: The Role of Small Business in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities (pp. 320). London: Routledge.
Community Empowerment and Symbolic Violence: The Feasibility of Local Resilience in Housing-led Urban Revitalisation
Southern, A., & Engelsman, U. (2010). Community Empowerment and Symbolic Violence: The Feasibility of Local Resilience in Housing-led Urban Revitalisation. In American Association of Geographers (pp. 10). Washington: AAG.
Key success factors: A comparison of the US and UK urban community land trust landscape
Southern, A., & Engelsman, U. (2010). Key success factors: A comparison of the US and UK urban community land trust landscape. In Housing Privatisation, 30 Years On: Time for a Critical Re-appraisal (pp. 15). Leeds: University of Leeds.
Knowledge transfer in regeneration: Is it feasible and can the community benefit?
Southern, A., & Engelsman, U. (2010). Knowledge transfer in regeneration: Is it feasible and can the community benefit?. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 4(2).
Does enterprise discourse have the power to enable or disable deprived communities?
Howorth, C., Parkinson, C., & Southern, A. (2009). Does enterprise discourse have the power to enable or disable deprived communities?. In Unknown Book (pp. 281-311). Retrieved from
Conclusion: Reviewing the debates and anticipating change
Diamond, J., Liddle, J., Southern, A., & Osei, P. (2009). Conclusion: Reviewing the debates and anticipating change. Unknown Journal, 244-248. doi:10.4324/9780203866375
International Perspectives on Regeneration Management Common Themes and the Making of Value
Southern, A. (2009). International Perspectives on Regeneration Management Common Themes and the Making of Value. In URBAN REGENERATION MANAGEMENT: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (pp. 227-243). Retrieved from
Urban Regeneration Management: International Perspectives
Diamond, J., Liddle, J., Southern, A., & Osei, P. (Eds.) (2009). Urban Regeneration Management: International Perspectives (1 ed.). New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
Does Enterprise Discourse Have the Power to Enable or Disable Deprived Communities?
Howorth, C., Parkinson, C., & Southern, A. (2009). Does Enterprise Discourse Have the Power to Enable or Disable Deprived Communities?. In Entrepreneurship and Growth in Local, Regional and National Economies. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781849802369.00024
Merseyside and the Downturn
Southern, A. (2009). Merseyside and the Downturn. Merseyside and North Wales Business Prospect, 6(2), 24-26.
Reviewing the Debates and Anticipating Change Conclusion
Diamond, J., Liddle, J., Southern, A., & Osei, P. (2009). Reviewing the Debates and Anticipating Change Conclusion. In URBAN REGENERATION MANAGEMENT: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (pp. 244-248). Retrieved from
The geography of enterprise in the context of deprivation (or should that be the geography of deprivation in the context of enterprise?)
Southern, A. (2009). The geography of enterprise in the context of deprivation (or should that be the geography of deprivation in the context of enterprise?). In American Association of Geographers (pp. 12). Las Vegas: American Association of Geographers.
Considering the Economic Impacts of the Liverpool European Capital of Culture: a review on the literature concerning 'economic multiplier' effects
Phythian-Adams, S., Sapsford, D., & Southern, A. (2008). Considering the Economic Impacts of the Liverpool European Capital of Culture: a review on the literature concerning 'economic multiplier' effects. Retrieved from
1. Doing Business in the European Capital of Culture: A Profile and Initial Assessment of Impact on the Merseyside and North West Business Base
Phythian-Adams, S. L., Sapsford, D., & Southern, A. (2008). 1. Doing Business in the European Capital of Culture: A Profile and Initial Assessment of Impact on the Merseyside and North West Business Base. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
Complexity theory and the role of knowledge management in the knowledge-based small business
Higgins, D., & Southern, A. (2007). Complexity theory and the role of knowledge management in the knowledge-based small business. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, VOL 1 AND 2, 479-485. Retrieved from
Regeneration management skills
Diamond, J., Liddle, J., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2007). Regeneration management skills. PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 27(3), 167-168. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9302.2007.00574.x
Diamond, J., Liddle, J., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2007). BUILDING CASTLES IN THE SKY?. Regions Magazine, 265(1), 3. doi:10.1080/13673882.2007.9680851
An Initial Assessment of Impact from the European Capital of Culture Designation and An Overview of Creative Industries in the Sub-Region
Phythian-Adams, S. L., Sapsford, D., & Southern, A. (2007). An Initial Assessment of Impact from the European Capital of Culture Designation and An Overview of Creative Industries in the Sub-Region. Liverpool: Impacts 08.
An evaluation of wirralbiz the business start up programme on Wirral
Heywood, D., & Southern, A. (2007). An evaluation of wirralbiz the business start up programme on Wirral. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
Does enterprise discourse enable or disable deprived communities
Howorth, C., Parkinson, C., & Southern, A. (2007). Does enterprise discourse enable or disable deprived communities. In RENT XXI Conference (pp. 12). Cardiff: ECSB.
Enterprise Confusion and Tension in Deprived Communities
Howorth, C., Parkinson, C., & Southern, A. (2007). Enterprise Confusion and Tension in Deprived Communities. In 30th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (pp. 16). Glasgow: ISBE.
Regeneration Management Skills (Special Edition)
Diamond, J., Liddle, J., Rowe, M., & Southern, A. (2007). Regeneration Management Skills (Special Edition). Public Money and Management, 27(3), 167-168.
Tidal Waves of Culture: Information from the Atlantic
Phythian-Adams, S. L., Sapsford, D., & Southern, A. (2007). Tidal Waves of Culture: Information from the Atlantic. In The Big History Show - 800 Years of History (pp. 15). Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
Enterprise in deprived areas - what is the relationship?
Heywood, D., & Southern, A. (2006). Enterprise in deprived areas - what is the relationship?. In Conference Proceedings ISBE Vol. 29 (pp. 31). Cardiff: ISBE.
Diamond, J., & Southern, A. (2006). Conclusion. In Managing the City (pp. 174-181). doi:10.4324/9780203946886
Context: Marking the transition
Diamond, J., Liddle, J., Southern, A., & Townsend, A. (2006). Context: Marking the transition. In Managing the City (pp. 9-15). doi:10.4324/9780203946886
Managing the City
Diamond, J., Southern, A., Liddle, J., & Townsend, A. (Eds.) (2007). Managing the City (1st ed.). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203946886
Research into regeneration: gaps in our knowledge base
Diamond, J., & Southern, A. (2006). Research into regeneration: gaps in our knowledge base. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 26(5/6), 189-193. doi:10.1108/01443330610674233
An examination of business formation rates in England (with a specific focus on areas of deprivation)
Derbyshire, J., Haywood, G., Nicholls, J., & Southern, A. (2006). An examination of business formation rates in England (with a specific focus on areas of deprivation). In Regional Science Association International (pp. 24). Jersey: Regional Science Association.
Information and Communication Technologies and their Role in Urban Regeneration
Southern, A., & Townsend, A. (2005). Information and Communication Technologies and their Role in Urban Regeneration. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 20(3), 266-279. doi:10.1080/02690940500191109
Enterprise, small business development and the North West Region
Heywood, D. C., & Southern, A. (2005, November 1). Enterprise, small business development and the North West Region. In Illuminating Entrepreneurship - the theory and practice of enterprise creation and development Vol. 28. Conference Proceedings: ISBE.
Enterprise and Deprivation: What Lessons for Merseyside
Southern, A. (2005). Enterprise and Deprivation: What Lessons for Merseyside. Merseyside and North Wales Business Prospect, 3(2).
ICAEW Perspectives on the North West Region
Heywood, D., & Southern, A. (2005). ICAEW Perspectives on the North West Region. Warrington: ICAEW.
Perspectives on the North West Region
Heywood, D., & Southern, A. (2005). Perspectives on the North West Region. North West: PSP.
Regeneration Management: Essays on working with Complexity
McInroy, N., MacDonald, S., Diamond, J., & Southern, A. (Eds.) (2005). Regeneration Management: Essays on working with Complexity. Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies.
Thriving Local Economy: Economic Market Research ¿ Small Businesses
Southern, A. (2005). Thriving Local Economy: Economic Market Research ¿ Small Businesses. Wirral: Wirral Local Strategic Partnership.
Owner-managed businesses and their tax: An interim report on the views of small businesses
Southern, A., & Meyrick, J. (2004). Owner-managed businesses and their tax: An interim report on the views of small businesses. Houses of Parliament, London: All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group.
Quarterly Survey of Smaller Firms in the UK
Southern, A. (2004). Quarterly Survey of Smaller Firms in the UK. Knutsford: Small Business Research Trust.
¿Business Rates¿: An interim report on the views of small businesses
Southern, A., & Meyrick, J. (2004). ¿Business Rates¿: An interim report on the views of small businesses. Houses of Parliament, London: All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group.
Single Regeneration Budget Evaluation Report: Connect @ Sunderland
Southern, A., & Townsend, A. (2003). Single Regeneration Budget Evaluation Report: Connect @ Sunderland. Durham: University of Durham.
The Merseyside Business Base: Workplace, Employment and VAT Registrations
Southern, A. (2003). The Merseyside Business Base: Workplace, Employment and VAT Registrations. Merseyside and North Wales Business Prospect, 2(1).
The Prince¿s Trust and Young Enterprise in the North West: An Evaluation into Joint Working Initiatives
Southern, A. (2003). The Prince¿s Trust and Young Enterprise in the North West: An Evaluation into Joint Working Initiatives. Liverpool: Prince¿s Trust.
The management of regeneration: processes and routes to effective delivery
Southern, A. (2003). The management of regeneration: processes and routes to effective delivery. Local Work, 1-4.
VAT registrations on Merseyside: A view on the changes experienced between 1994 and 2002
Southern, A. (2003). VAT registrations on Merseyside: A view on the changes experienced between 1994 and 2002. Merseyside and North Wales Business Prospect, 1(2).
Can information and communication technologies support regeneration?
Southern, A. (2002). Can information and communication technologies support regeneration?. REGIONAL STUDIES, 36(6), 697-702. doi:10.1080/00343400220146830
Partnership Governance in Northern Ireland Improving Performance
Partnership Governance in Northern Ireland Improving Performance (2002). International Journal of Public Sector Management, 15(1), 87-89. doi:10.1108/ijpsm.2002.
How, where, why and when information technologies are seen as a regeneration policy
Southern, A. (2001). How, where, why and when information technologies are seen as a regeneration policy. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 14(5), 423-438. doi:10.1108/eum0000000005568
How, where, why and when information technologies are seen as a regeneration policy
Southern, A. (2001). How, where, why and when information technologies are seen as a regeneration policy. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 14(4-5), 423-438. doi:10.1108/eum0000000005568
Sport and Regional Development
Southern, A. (2001). Sport and Regional Development. Regions, (236).
The Economic and Social Impact of Durham County Cricket Club
Southern, A., & Cockerill, T. (2001). The Economic and Social Impact of Durham County Cricket Club. Durham: University of Durham Business School.
The Local Economic Value of Football
Southern, A. (2001). The Local Economic Value of Football. Football Insider, 18-20.
What Matters Is What Works? - The Management of Regeneration
Southern, A. (2001). What Matters Is What Works? - The Management of Regeneration. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 16(4), 264-271. doi:10.1080/02690940110079840
Changes to the North East Regional - Local Dynamic: New Forms of Governance from Traditional Public Sector Structures?
Cockerill, T., Liddle, J., & Southern, A. (2000). Changes to the North East Regional - Local Dynamic: New Forms of Governance from Traditional Public Sector Structures?. Public Policy and Administration, 15(2), 110-126. doi:10.1177/095207670001500209
Developing sub-regional partnerships to deliver RDA strategies
Cockerill, T., Liddle, J., & Southern, A. (2000). Developing sub-regional partnerships to deliver RDA strategies. In L. Montanheiro, & M. Linehan (Eds.), Public and Private Sector Partnerships: The Enabling Mix (pp. 220). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University Press.
Small firms and information and communication technologies (ICTs): toward a typology of ICTs usage
Southern, A., & Tilley, F. (2000). Small firms and information and communication technologies (ICTs): toward a typology of ICTs usage. NEW TECHNOLOGY WORK AND EMPLOYMENT, 15(2), 138-154. doi:10.1111/1468-005X.00070
The Midweek Match: Premiership Football and the Urban Economy
Johnstone, S., Southern, A., & Taylor, R. (2000). The Midweek Match: Premiership Football and the Urban Economy. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 15(3), 198-213. doi:10.1080/02690940050174201
The political salience of the space of flows: information and communication technologies and the restructuring city
Southern, A. (2000). The political salience of the space of flows: information and communication technologies and the restructuring city. In J. O. Wheeler, B. Warf, & O. Aoyama (Eds.), Fractured Geographies: Cities in the Telecommunications Age (pp. 280). New York: Routledge.
The social and cultural world of enterprise
Southern, A. (2000). The social and cultural world of enterprise. In D. Jones-Evans, & S. Carter (Eds.), Enterprise and Small Business: Principles, Practice and Policy (pp. 280). Harlow: Pearson Education.
There¿s only one North East: How the RDA is mapping the future of the region
Cockerill, T., & Southern, A. (2000). There¿s only one North East: How the RDA is mapping the future of the region. Northern Economic Review, 30.
Small firms and information and communication technologies: policy issues and some words of caution
Fuller, E. C., & Southern, A. (1999). Small firms and information and communication technologies: policy issues and some words of caution. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING C-GOVERNMENT AND POLICY, 17(3), 287-302. doi:10.1068/c170287
EDI, Information Processing and Issues of Governance
Southern, A. (1998). EDI, Information Processing and Issues of Governance. In EDI and Data Networking in the Public Sector (pp. 223-248). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-5487-5_11
EDI, information processing and issues of governance: the informational character of UK local government
Southern, A. (1998). EDI, information processing and issues of governance: the informational character of UK local government. In K. V. Andersen (Ed.), EDI and Data Networking in the Public Sector (pp. 350). Amsterdam: Klewer Publishing.
Book Reviews
Southern, A. (1997). Book Reviews. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 15(3), 99-102. doi:10.1177/0266242697153009
Re-booting the Local Economy
Southern, A. (1997). Re-booting the Local Economy. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 12(1), 8-25. doi:10.1080/02690949708726362
The Discourse of New Technologies in Local Economic Planning
Southern, A. (1997). The Discourse of New Technologies in Local Economic Planning. Online Planning Journal. Retrieved from
Abstracts and Commentaries
Read, L., Rutherfoord, R., Hepworth, M., Blackburn, R., Kuusisto, J., & Southern, A. (1996). Abstracts and Commentaries. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 14(2), 69-86. doi:10.1177/0266242696142005
Gender, race and class in the local welfare state: moving beyond regulation theory in analysing the transition from Fordism
Bakshi, P., Goodwin, M., Painter, J., & Southern, A. (1995). Gender, race and class in the local welfare state: moving beyond regulation theory in analysing the transition from Fordism. Environment and Planning A, 27(12).
Local authority information technology strategies: a preliminary assessment
Southern, A. (1995). Local authority information technology strategies: a preliminary assessment. Local Government Policy Making, 22(3).
The economic significance of the steel industry to Cleveland: production strategies and supplier linkages
Sadler, D., & Southern, A. (1995). The economic significance of the steel industry to Cleveland: production strategies and supplier linkages. Northern Economic Review, 24.