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Professional Activities

healthy Christmas Jingle -
This video is aimed at children of primary school age. It is great fun to watch (and sing) in class or at home. Sang to the well-known Jingle Bells tune, it is full of helpful tips to help us stay healthy this Christmas and throughout the year.

I am a founder member of the recently formed Defra Companion Animal Species Expert Group (
I am a member of the RCVS-K Canine Cruciate Advisory Committee and the Quality Improvement Advisory Group

Conference Roles

  • National Office of Animal Health., by Invitation (2017 - 2018)
  • University of Minnesota, by Invitation (2017 - 2018)
  • Idexx, by Invitation (2017 - 2018)
  • European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, by Invitation (2017 - 2018)
  • Animal Caliciviruses - Keynote Lecture, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Calicivirus research community, 2004)
  • Antiviral therapy in cats - invited talk, by Invitation (WSAVA, 2006)
  • Advanced molecular diagnostics for viral diseases - invited talk, by Invitation (ISVIM, 2005)
  • Feline calicivirus vaccination: A scientific re-appraisal - invited talk, by Invitation (Intervet, 2005)
  • Companion Animal Vector-borne diseases, by Invitation (2017 - 2018)
  • International Society of Feline Medicine, by Invitation (2016 - 2017)

Examination Roles

  • Royal Veterinary College, PhD (2022)
  • University of Liverpool, PhD (2019)
  • University of Liverpool, PhD (2018)
  • Imperial College London, PhD (2015)
  • University of Sydney (Australia), PhD (2014)
  • University of Bristol, BVSc (2013)
  • University of Cambridge, PhD (2011)
  • University College Cork (National University of Ireland), PhD (2008)
  • University of Glasgow, PhD (2007)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • talk at primary school (2006 - present)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) (Member)