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Conference Roles
Plenary Lecture, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (British Ecological Society, 2016)
Invited lecture, by Invitation (University of Georgia, U.S.A, 2016)
Invited Lecture, by Invitation (XJTLU Souzhou, 2016)
Invited Lecture, by Invitation (Northumbria University, 2016)
Research Seminar, by Invitation (University of Salford, 2016)
Shigatoxigenic bacteriophages, by Invitation (Warwick University, 2014)
Royal Society for Chemistry invited lecture, by Invitation (University of Plymouth, 2014)
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Editorial Board Member, 2005 - 2019)
Microbiology (Editor, 1994 - 2000)
Examination Roles
Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi , Ph.D. (2018)
University College Dublin, Ph.D. (2018)
University of Manchester, Ph.D. (2016)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, PhD (2016)
University of Bath, BSc (UG, 2016)
RMIT University Melbourne, Ph.D. (2015)
The Queen's University of Belfast, PhD (2014)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Ph.D. (2014)
University of East Anglia, PhD (2014)
University of Wales Bangor, PhD (2014)
University College Dublin, PhD (2012)
University of Strathclyde, MRes (PGT, 2012)
The Open University, MPhil (2012)
Organisations I have been associated with
Honorary Secretary CARA (2019 - present)
Member of Council and Trustee CARA (2005 - present)
Shrewsbury School Governor appointed by Royal Society (2013 - present)
NERC CASE studentship Panels (2015 - 2016)
BBSRC Grant Panels (2014 - 2017)
NERC Grant panels (2008 - 2018)
Portugese Foundation for Science and Technology Animal and Veterinary Sciences Grant Panel (2007 - 2011)
Professional Body Memberships
Society for General Microbiology (Member)
Society for Applied Microbiology (Member)
Other Administrative or Committee Roles
Head of undergraduate admissions for the School of Life Sciences and chairman of postgraduate selection committee for IIB to 2019
University Lead for BBSRC Newcastle/Liverpool/Durham Doctoral Training Programme to 2019