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Mr Abdo Sattout

Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
School of Medicine


MBChB Clinical Teacher

MRes Supervisor

Modules for 2024-25

ACE Clinical Imaging

Module code: MDSC255

Role: Teaching

ACE Research Project 1

Module code: MDSC256

Role: Teaching

ACE Research Project 2

Module code: MDSC257

Role: Teaching

Acute Medicine

Module code: MDSC251

Role: Teaching

Clinical Imaging – Diagnostics

Module code: MDSC261

Role: Teaching

Critical Care Medicine

Module code: MDSC252

Role: Teaching

Emergency Medicine

Module code: MDSC253

Role: Teaching

Intercalation Clinical Research Project

Module code: MDSC264

Role: Teaching

Introduction to Acute, Critical and Emergency Medicine

Module code: MDSC250

Role: Teaching

Introduction to Clinical Research and Practice in the Specialty Clinical Environment

Module code: MDSC260

Role: Teaching

Multi-Specialty Approach to Acute Patient Care

Module code: MDSC262

Role: Teaching

The Patient Care Experience (Placement)

Module code: MDSC263

Role: Teaching

Trauma Medicine

Module code: MDSC254

Role: Teaching