Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- Britain's mean cities, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (University of Lincoln, 2014)
- Reluctant gangsters? Streets gangs, masculinity and the press in interwar Glasgow, by Invitation (University of St Andrews, 2014)
- Gang culture: on screen and in print (with Penny Woolcock), by Invitation (LSE, 2014)
- Nineteenth-century gangs and 'A Clockwork Orange', by Invitation (Manchester Metropolitan University / International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 2014)
- The Gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Manchester Art Gallery, 2014)
- The Gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (The Marble Arch, 2013)
- The Gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Greater Manchester Police Museum, 2012)
- Reluctant gangsters? Street gangs and the press in interwar Glasgow, by Invitation (European Social Science History Association Conference , 2012)
- The police and the public: some thoughts in response to Joanne Klen's 'Invisible Men', by Invitation (European Social Science History Assocation, 2012)
- The Gangs of Victorian Manchester and Salford, by Invitation (Manchester Geographical Society, 2011)
- Fighting men and family men: Glasgow 'gangsters' of the 1920s and 1930s, by Invitation (Centre for Gender History, University of Glasgow, 2011)
- 'No mean city' revisited: the Glasgow gangs of the 1920s and 1930s, by Invitation (Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, University of Glasgow, 2010)
- The Glasgow gangs of the 1920s and 1930s, by Invitation (Crime and Social Justice Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2010)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Salford Libraries, 2010)
- The scuttlers, by Invitation (Reddish Vale Technology College, 2010)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Prestwich Festival, 2010)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (St Joseph's Hostel, Salford, 2010)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Mancunian Reunion Project, in conjunction with Tameside Local Studies and Archives Centre, 2010)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Salford City Council, 2010)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Trafford Council, in association with Pages Ago: a promotion of historical writing, 2010)
- The gangs of Victorian Manchester and Salford, by Invitation (Working Class Movement Library, Salford, 2010)
- The gangs of Victorian Manchester and Salford, by Invitation (The Portico Library, 2010)
- Researching The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Edge Hill University, 2010)
- History, drama and dissemination: staging The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (University of Cambridge, 2010)
- The gangs of Manchester: the story of the scuttlers, by Invitation (Tameside Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2009)
- The gangs of Manchester/Angels with Manky Faces, by Invitation (North City Library, Manchester, 2009)
- The gangs of Manchester/Angels with Manky Faces, by Invitation (New Moston Library, Manchester, 2009)
- The gangs of Manchester/Angels with Manky Faces, by Invitation (Waterstones, Manchester, 2009)
- The gangs of Manchester: the story of the scuttlers, by Invitation (Manchester Histories Festival, 2009)
- The gangs of Manchester: the story of the scuttlers, by Invitation (Tameside Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2009)
- Scuttling gangs and the origins of lads' clubs, by Invitation (Salford Lads' Club, 2009)
- The Scottish Chicago: the Glasgow gangs of the 1920s and 1930s, by Invitation (University of Glasgow, Department of Economic and Social History/Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, 2008)
- The Glasgow gangs of the 1920s and 1930s, by Invitation (Glasgow Caledonian University, 2008)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Manchester Central Library, 2008)
- The gangs of Manchester, by Invitation (Manchester Central Library, 2008)
- 'No mean city' revisited: the Glasgow gangs of the 1920s and 1930s, by Invitation (University of Sussex, 2006)
- Sectarianism in interwar Glasgow, by Invitation (Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies, 2006)
- History and Policy (Editorial Advisor, 2011 - present)
- Contemporary British History (Editorial Board Member, 2005 - present)
- British Journal of Criminology (Editorial Board Member, 2003 - present)
Examination Roles
- University of Edinburgh, PhD (2012)
- University of Sussex, PhD (2012)
- University of Glasgow, PhD (2011)
- Monash University (Australia), PhD (2007)
- University of London, PhD (2006)
- University of Glasgow, MA (PGT, 2005)
- University of Glasgow, MA (PGT, 2004)
- University of Glasgow, MA (PGT, 2003)
- University of Sunderland, PhD (2003)
- University of Cambridge, PhD (2002)
- University of Northumbria, PhD (2002)
- University of Cambridge, PhD (1998)
- University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, MA (PGT, 1996)
Organisations I have been associated with
- MaD Theatre Company (2012 - 2013)
- MaD Theatre Company (2008 - 2010)
Professional Body Memberships
- Royal Historical Society (Fellow, 2009 - present)
- Royal Society for the Arts (Fellow, 2009 - present)
- Social History Society of Great Britain (Executive Committee Member, 2003 - present)
- Criminal Justice Network, Social Science History Association (Member, 1999 - present)
- International Association for the History of Crime & Criminal Justice (Member, 1997 - present)
Other Administrative or Committee Roles
- Research impact coordinator, History