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Mirela Domijan

Dr Mirela Domijan

Senior lecturer and Math Biology group leader
Mathematical Sciences


+44 (0)151 794 4011 Ext. 44011


I am a senior lecturer in Applied Mathematics and I am the leader of our Math Biology Group. My work focusses on using and developing mathematical techniques that can address a variety of biological applications. Currently, most of these are inspired by plant science applications (esp. circadian clocks and hormonal signalling), but I have also worked on chemical reaction networks and calcium dynamics. Before coming to Liverpool, I held postdoctoral positions in Cambridge and Warwick. I completed my doctoral studies at the Warwick Mathematics Institute, funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship.

Funded Fellowships

  • LMS Emmy Noether Fellow 2021 (2021 - 2022)
  • UK Multiscale Biology Network Award (2017)
  • BBSRC Travel Award (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), 2015)
  • LMS Travel Grant (2012)
  • European Congress in Mathematics Women in Mathematics Awar (European Women in Mathematics, 2012)