Welcome to BA Marketing

Information for students starting study in September 2024.

Image of director of studies for BA Marketing

Dear students,

A huge congratulations on your results and welcome to BA Marketing and BA Marketing with a Year in Industry. My name is Rachel Spence, I am your Director of Studies and I look forward to meeting with you!

Ahead of arriving at the Management School, here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • During Welcome Week, there will be various events which I strongly encourage you to get involved with as these are a great way to learn more about the programme, meet other students on the same course as you, as well as get to know the university and the city more. Our first event together will be a programme talk, with lots of information about your programme and support available throughout
  • During your studies, you will be encouraged to develop your personal brand and to network. LinkedIn is a useful platform for this and is one of many great sites for keeping informed about relevant marketing issues too. If you have not already got a profile, it is recommended to start creating one. Your LinkedIn profile then has the potential to develop over time as you gain connections and get involved with different activities
  • You are also very welcome to join our own active LinkedIn group (ULMS BA Marketing Group) where students can connect and keep up to date with different opportunities available.

Along with the above, some further tips and points of information that I would like to share here:

  • Explore – There is plenty to do at the university including joining societies that interest you. Along with the UoL Marketing Society are a wide range of societies that you can check out
  • If you need help with anything, please let us know - there are academic and professional services staff here to support you.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon,

Warm regards,


Recommended reading

When you start your programme modules, particular readings will be recommended to you by module staff to help support your studies. In the meantime, you could take a look at the library resources guide for the Management School to get a feel for the different resources to which the school subscribes. 

Keeping up to date with the news is also recommended (and is expected during your studies). Marketing websites such as Marketing Week are useful to consult. 

Welcome Week

Welcome week is Monday 16 - Friday 20 September, download your welcome week timetable using the link below.

Marketing, welcome week.

Top three tips for University! 

Hannah Kirtley, BA Marketing, Year in Industry 

Hannah graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Marketing with a placement year at The Walt Disney Company in July 2024.

At graduation, Hannah reflected on some notable achievements such as;

  • Recieving an award for Outstanding Contribution to the University of Liverpool Management School. 
  • Achieving 84% in her final year marketing strategy, in which she looked at the brand expansion of Glossier, Inc. across the UK! 

Hannah Kirtley receiving award at graduation from Dean of the School

We asked Hannah for three tips she would share with students just starting out on their academic journey, like yourselves:

  1. Push yourself to join in on flat outings or organised on campus activity in the first few weeks. You aren't always going to be best friends with everyone, but making an effort to meet new people really helps you settle into university life. If you want to explore off campus, then keep your eye out for app's and offers for ticketed freshers events. Liverpool is the most vibrant and friendly city, not just for clubbing, there are so many different things to explore. 
  2. Managing your time isn't always easy, make sure you make notes of when deadlines are due ASAP and make the most of useful digital planning tools, like Google Calendar. Try not to leave things to the last minute, I found trying to work in a 9- 5 format helped me stay on top of things.
  3. Make the most of extra oppourtunities, I was Vice President of the Marketing Society, attended lots of ULMS Extra sessions and my academic advisor put me in touch with the ULMS Alumni team, who helped me find a weeks work experience.

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