Welcome to BSc Economics

Information for students startng study in September 2024.

Yigit OezcelikDear student,

Congratulations on your recent results and well done on securing a place on our BSc Economics and BSc Economics with a Year in Industry programme.

You will be introduced to an Academic Advisor when you arrive but I am your Director of Studies and will get to know you better during our very first module and continue this through to your final year. 

Starting university may seem like a big transition but we have many activities scheduled for Welcome Week, which will help you meet new friends and learn more about the programme.

A key event on the welcome week timetable is the Economics programme talk which will provide you with the opportunity to meet with myself and other students and ask any questions. 

As you prepare to begin your studies, it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with some of the core texts we will be using during your first year:

  • “Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis” Author: Knut Sydsæter, Arne Strøm, Peter Hammond
  • “The Economics Book” Author: Niall Kishtainy (2012) – *TIP use this book to prepare for your first lecture on module ECON128. See if you can find information on the ideas of Aristotle & Plato, Romans, Thomas Aquinas, The Medicis (money & banking) and Thomas Mun (Mercantilism)
  • “Microeconomics and Behaviour” (2016), Authors: Frank R. H. and Cartwright E
  • “The Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics (5th Edition)” Author: Moore, D; McCabe, G; Alwan, L; Craig, B (2020) OR “Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (10th Edition)” Author: Moore, D; McCabe, G; Craig, B (2021) – you can save money by buying earlier editions of these books.

    The main difference is in the use of examples for each book, the business and economics version uses examples restricted to the subject, but the general edition uses examples from across science. This book is for Semester 2 so we advise you to wait until you arrive at University before purchasing as we may be able to get a deal with the publishers.
  • “Macroeconomics” (5th Edition) (2020). Authors: N. Gregory Mankiw and Mark P. Taylor

    Likewise to the above note, this is a semester 2 module text, so you have plenty of time to purchase it or borrow it from the library in the meantime.

As well as the core texts, you could also look at the following maths resources:

I'm really looking forward to exploring our subject together and will see you when you arrive on campus. 

Warm Regards,

Dr Yigit Oezcelik 

Welcome Week

Welcome week is Monday 16- Friday 20 September, download your welcome week timetable using the link below.

Economics, welcome week timetable.


Advice from students

Bethany Whalley, BSc Economics with a Year in Industry:

Top three tips:

  1. Get involved with everything you can regarding societies, sports etc.
  2. Speak to as many people as possible, especially when you first start
  3. Balance your social and work life.

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