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Roy Suddaby

Professor Roy Suddaby


I am a Professor and Chair in Organisation Studies here at the University of Liverpool Management School. I am also the Winspear Chair of Management at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria, Canada.

My research focuses on processes of change at the individual, organizational and institutional levels of analysis. I am particularly interested in the critical role of symbolic resources - legitimacy, authenticity, identity and history - in improving an organization's competitive position. My current research examines the changing social and symbolic role of history in the modern corporation and the family firm. My research has been recognized with best paper awards from the Academy of Management Journal, Adminstrative Science Quarterly, the John F. Mee award from the Management History Division of the Academy of Management, the Grief Research Impact Award from the USC Marshall School of Business and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. I was recently named a Distinguished Scholar by the Western Academy of Management and have been recognized by Thompson Reuters as one of the world's most highly cited researchers in business and management in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

I am the past editor of the Academy of Management Review and is or have been an editorial board member of the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Learning and Education and the Journal of Business Venturing. I am currently the PDW Chair of the Management History division of the Academy of Management.