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I am a Lecturer in Strategic Management at the University of Liverpool Management School, United Kingdom. I obtained a PhD in Economics, specializing in Organization Theory, from USI Lugano (Switzerland) and held postdoctoral fellowships at the Institute for Analytical Sociology (Linköping University, Sweden), Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm, Sweden) and the Chair of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Utrecht University School of Economics (the Netherlands).

I pursue research questions on strategic human capital and teach topics on strategy. As an early career scholar, I have obtained fellowships and grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland), Handelsbanken Research Foundation (Sweden), Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Sweden) and IOS (Institutions for Open Society) Hub at Utrecht University (The Netherlands). I also perform ad hoc reviews for several FT50-ranked journals such as Organization Science, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Industrial and Corporate Change, and Human Resource Management (

Before commencing my academic career, I worked in the banking sector as a credit risk analyst.

Prizes or Honours

  • ABCD Reviewing Award (OMT division of the Academy of Management, 2023)