Research impact

The School’s international experts shape world-class academic thought and make a direct impact on a wide range of organisations and institutions. Here are some of the ongoing projects at the School. 

Currency internationalisation Dr Adriana Nilsson and Dr Claes Belfrage

Brazil's role in regional currency internationalisation

Drs Claes Belfrage and Adriana Nilsson have been helping to shape policy at the South American trade bloc Mercosur, through close work with the Brazilian Central Bank.

Delivering social value through public procurement Professor Jo Meehan and Dr Bruce Pinnington

Delivering social value through public procurement

Co-led by Professor Jo Meehan and Dr Bruce Pinnington, the aim of their research is to influence changes to nation Social Value policy and its associated procurement guidance issued to all public authorities.

Protection of vulnerable players in the gambling industry Professor Ian McHale and Professor David Forrest

Holding gambling to account

Professors David Forrest and Ian McHale's research has been used to develop algorithms to identify and protect gamblers who may be suffering from harm, through shaping Department of Culture, Media and Sport policy.

International patent systems Dr Nick Papageorgiadis

International patent systems

Professor Nick Papageorgiadis has developed an annual composite index that rates the effectiveness of the patent systems of 51 countries.

Transforming palliative and end-of-life care for service users Dr Lynn Sudbury-Riley, Professor Pippa Hunter-Jones & Dr Ahmed Al-Abdin

Maintaining dignity in dying

Professor Philippa Hunter-Jones, Professor Lynn Sudbury-Riley and Dr Ahmed Al-Abdin developed a new, dynamic Trajectory Touchpoint Tool to capture stories of patient and family experiences in the delivery of end-of-life care leading to recommendations of ways to improve the service offered.

Sport integrity Professor Ian McHale and Professor David Forrest

Sports integrity

Research undertaken by Professors David Forrest and Ian McHale has been used to inform global strategy to combat match fixing in sport.

Procurement and service delivery policy development for the UK Ministry of Defence Professor Andy Lyons

Streamlining supply chain practices within the Ministry of Defence

Professor Andy Lyons led this knowledge exchange project for the Ministry of Defence to research procurement and supply chain practices.

Modern Slavery Dr Bruce Pinnington and Dr Jo Meehan

Modern slavery

Dr Jo Meehan and Dr Bruce Pinnington are leading a programme of research working with government agencies, organisations, and NGOs, to explore how supply chains are responding to new TISC legislation.

Assisting central banks in improving monetary policy decision making Oliver de Groot

Assisting central banks in improving monetary policy decision making

Professor Oliver De Groot, in collaboration with the economists at the European Central Bank (ECB), is developing novel methods and tools for studying the optimal mix of central bank policy instruments, suitable for informing policymakers with the aim of improving monetary policy decisions.

Satellite Imagery for Institutional Credit (two impact cases) Gopal Narayanamurthy

Satellite Imagery Analytics for institutional credit

Dr Gopal Narayanamurthy and his research team, in collaboration with SatSure, investigate how satellite imagery can be used to expand access to institutional credit for small and marginalized farmers in Indian agri-food supply chains.

Juggling parenthood Dr Rachel Ashman, Dr Laura Radcliffe and Professor Caroline Gatrell

Juggling parenthood, employment and the work-life balance

Dr Rachel Ashman, Dr Laura Radcliffe and Professor Caroline Gatrell’s research explores how employed parents and diverse families managed boundaries between paid work and family lives.

Organisational and operational innovations for sustained competitiveness and growth in SMEs Professor Andy Lyons

Sustaining SMEs competitiveness and growth through innovation

Professor Andy Lyons led a research group to develop a method to ensure that SMEs are able to adapt to a vast range of complex business contexts, with a focus on supply chains.

Gender diversity on the board of directors in Latin America Dr Jannine Poletti-Hughes

Breaking the Latin American glass ceiling

Dr Jannine Poletti-Hughes has identified that gender diversity has a positive impact on board effectiveness in Latin American companies.

The value of the social economy in a metropolitan city region Alan Southern

The value of the social economy in a metropolitan city region

Research by Dr Alan Southern on the value of the social economy in the Liverpool City Region (LCR), has led to new strategic initiatives supported by the Metro Mayor and Combined Authority.

Transgender Health and Welfare Dr Ian Burn

Transgender health and welfare

Research by Dr Ian Burn on how health and socioeconomic outcomes of patients evolve as they are treated for gender dysphoria.

The Lived Experiences of People Bereaved by COVID-19 Professor Lynn Sudbury-Riley

The lived experiences of people bereaved by COVID-19

The aim of Professor Lynn Sudbury-Riley work is to explore the experiences during the last few days of life for families of COVID-19 victims.

Revisiting Postal Sector Pricing Version 2 - 685x355px

Revisiting postal sector pricing

With the postal sector being of particular economic significance, Dr Christian Bach and other authors have provided an analytical guideline for postal operators to revise their pricing strategies and to thereby improve their profitability as well as the viability of the Universal Service Obligations.

An innovation pathway for sustainable agri-food production under impacts of climate change Dr Dong Li

An innovation pathway for sustainable agri-food production under impacts of climate change

Due to the present challenge of increasingly salted water, the uncertainty in productivity, farmers engagement and product quality significantly affect the sustainability of the rice-shrimp farming, Dr Dong Li identifies an innovative pathway of sustainable practice in the circular economy production system.

Improving inclusiveness and diversity in clinical trials research: the case of virtual reality for children with cochlear implants Trishna Chauhan

Inclusivity and diversity in clinical trials research

Dr Trishna Chauhan's research impacts upon the lived experience of young children with hearing impairments who are eligible to cochlear implants.

Consequences of the Restricted Reporting of Marketing Assets on the Books

Restricted Reporting of Marketing Assets on the Books

Dr Miriam Guenther's research aims to inform managers about the benefits and costs of external accountability for their firms’ marketing assets.

Explainable AI and Blockchain Solutions for High-Stake Decisions: Capital Access to Underserved Communities Swati Sachan

Explainable AI and Blockchain Solutions for High-Stake Decisions

Dr. Swati Sachan's research addresses the lack of capital access among underserved communities by enhancing their prospects of securing loans.