ULMS PhD Student Speaks at UN Climate Change Conference

Louise Postema, a first-year PhD student from OSCM, was invited to attend and speak at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as COP28.
The Conference took place in Dubai (UAE) from 30th November 2023 to 13th December 2023. Louise contributed to the “Bundling Private Sector Innovation and Climate Action, Together: Strategies and Lessons for Collaboration” event hosted by the Think-and-Do-Tank Clim-Eat.
During the event, Louise shared her research on smallholder climate change vulnerability in Africa, and how this vulnerability constitutes a supply chain risk for companies sourcing from these farmers. Her research aims at understanding how agri-food processing and handling companies are looking at and managing such risks. In particular, she plans to analyse the means by which we can enable and help companies – for example with financial support – to invest in the adaptation of their smallholders in order to manage supply chain risks. This entails creating an investment case for development and mobilising significant resources for smallholder adaptation. In addition to presenting her research, Louise also moderated a panel session.
Louise also used COP28 to establish connections with potential research partners, and received much interest from organisations such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the International Livestock Research institute (ILRI), MasterCard Foundation, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the coming months, Louise plans to use these connections to collect data for her research.
On Louise’s attendance at the Conference, Professor Andy Lyons, Head of OSCM commented: “It was a privilege and exceptional achievement by Louise to be invited and contribute to COP28. The experience and the connections are already catalysing her research and boosting the reputation of the School and University. Huge congratulations to her.”
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