Management School commentary on proposed Super League

Rick Parry, Chair of the Management School’s Advisory Board and Chairman of the English Football League, appeared on BBC Radio 4 to discuss the proposed Super League.
Plans for the Super League were announced on Sunday sparking widespread controversy. 48 hours later the six participating Premier League teams had withdrawn their involvement.
During his interview Rick spoke about the importance of identifying the reasons why the Super League was created in the first place. He commented: “clearly there’s something wrong and we need to now take time to address that with cool heads”.
Listen to the interview (1:14:09)
Rick Parry was the original CEO of the Premier League when it was created in 1992. He then went on to spend time as CEO of Liverpool Football Club before working in a number of independent consultancy roles. He took over the Chair of the EFL in 2019. Rick also regularly contributes to the Management School’s Football Industries MBA programme.
Kieran Maguire, Management School football finance expert, has also provided commentary on the Super League in an extensive list of news outlets. Coverage has included: