Annual Horseracing Industry conference takes place

Delivered in partnership with The Racing Foundation, the 5th annual Horseracing Industry Conference took place at Newbury Racecourse on Thursday 30 June.
Oli Bell, Racing Presenter, hosted the event which focused on the topic A Healthy Balance: Balancing economic, environmental and social health to ensure a sustainable racing industry.
The event commenced with an address from the new Chair of the British Horseracing Authority Joe Saumarez Smith, covering the sport’s finances and the nature of gambling revenues before concerning itself with social issues, such as diversity and inclusion and equine welfare, and examining environmental sustainability challenges.
Keynote speakers at the conference included Professor David Forrest, Professor of Economics, presenting his research on the economics of gambling behaviour on how people bet on horseracing and the implications for the sport. Katie Walker, a recent graduate of the Management School’s Thoroughbred Horseracing Industries MBA (THIMBA) programme also presented her research into the effect of whip use on stride parameters of the racehorse.
The event welcomed its largest audience with over 200 delegates in attendance including key figures from organisations such as British Horseracing Authority (BHA), Jockey Club Racecourses, Godolphin, Horse Racing Authority in Japan and Racing Welfare.
Annie Dodd, Grants Manager, Horseracing Betting Levy Board (HBLB), commented "Thank you all for an excellent conference, which I think, was the best to date. Engaging speakers and a fascinating range of subjects".