Management School hosts European Sports Economics Conference

The Management School welcomed colleagues from as far as Australia and Colombia as it hosted the tenth anniversary meeting of the European Sport Economics Association.
The European Sport Economics Association (ESEA) was established to promote communication between scientists and practitioners working in the field of sports economics. It also aims to demonstrate the benefits of appropriate research and academic education to the fields of science, day-to-day practice, politics and the general public in Europe.
During the conference, which took place 29th-31st August, attendees heard from keynote speakers; Professor Paul Madden, University of Manchester, and Professor Ian McHale, University of Liverpool Management School. Babatunde Buraimo and Juan de Dios Tena also led a two day PhD workshop which preceded the conference.
70 papers were presented over the three days which prompted discussions in areas such as sports development, television, analytics, investment in football clubs, Olympics, betting, sports facilities and horseracing.
Professor David Forrest commented, "Those who attended enjoyed Liverpool very much. The event underlined that the Centre for Sport Business at ULMS is now regarded as a major international hub for research in sports economics and analytics."