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Research outputs
Read more of our work in these publications.
- DOI: 1002/joom.1169
- DOI: 10.1002/joom.1175
- DOI: 10.1111/poms.13701
- DOI: 10.1111/poms.13666
- DOI: 10.1111/poms.13612
- DOI: 10.1111/poms.13622
- DOI: 10.1111/poms.13186
- DOI: 10.1111/poms.13159
- DOI: 10.1002/joom.1061
2023 publications
Ouyang, Z., Leung, E., Huang, G. (2023). ‘Community logistics and dynamic community partitioning: A new approach for solving e-commerce last mile delivery’, European Journal of Operational Research, 307(1):140-156.
Xing, X., Son, D., Qiu, C., Drake, P., Zhan, Y. (2023) ‘Joint tank container demurrage policy and flow optimisation using a progressive hedging algorithm with expanded time-space network’, European Journal of Operational Research, 307(2):663-679.
Bayliss, C., Bekta, T., Vernon Tjon-Soei-Len, Remo Rohner (2023). ‘Designing a multi-modal and variable-echelon delivery system for last-mile logistics’, European Journal of Operational Research, 307(2):645-662.
Patil, H., Niranjan, S., Narayanamurthy, G., Narayanan, A. (2023). ‘Investigating contingent adoption of additive manufacturing in supply chains’, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43(3):489-519.
2022 publications
Lam, H., Ding, L., Dong, Z. (2022). ‘The impact of foreign competition on domestic firms’ product quality: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in the United States’, Journal of Operations Management, 68(8):881-902.
Li, H., Lam, H., Ho, W., Yeung, A. (2022). ‘The impact of chief risk officer appointments on firm risk and operational efficiency’, Journal of Operations Management, 68(3):241-269.
Zhang, J., Sethi, S., Choi, T-M., Cheng, T.C.E. (2022). ‘Pareto optimality and contract dependence in supply chain coordination with risk-averse agents’, Production and Operations Management, 31(6):2557-2570.
Luo, S., Choi, T-M. (2022). ‘E-commerce supply chains with considerations of cyber-security: Should governments play a role?’, Production and Operations Management, 31(5):1309-1331.
Cao, K., Choi, T-M. (2022). ‘Optimal Trade-in Return Policies: Is it Wise to be Generous?’, Production and Operations Management, 31(3):1309-1331.
Choi, T-M., Kumar, S., Yue, X., Chan, H-L. (2022). ‘Disruptive Technologies and Operations Management in the Industry 4.0 Era and Beyond’, Production and Operations Management, 31(1):9-31.
Feng, Y., Son, D., Li, D. (2022). ‘Smart stacking for import containers using customer information at automated container terminals’, European Journal of Operational Research, 301(2):502-522.
Wehbi, L., Bekta, T., Iris, C. (2022). ‘Optimising vehicle and on-foot porter routing in urban logistics’, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 109.
Guo, S., Choi, T-M, Chung, S-H. (2022). ‘Self-design fun: Should 3D printing be employed in mass customization operations’, European Journal of Operational Research, 299(3):883-897.
2021 publications
Assa, H., Sharifi, H, Lyons, A. (2021). ‘An examination of the role of price insurance products in stimulating investment in agriculture supply chains for sustained productivity’, European Journal of Operational Research, 288(3):918-934.
Nguyen, A.H.T., Singh, A., Kumari, S., Choudhary, S. (2021). ‘Multi-agent architecture for waste minimisation in beef supply chain’, Production Planning & Control, 34(11):1082-1096
2020 publications
Yiu, L.M.D, Lam, H., Andy C.L. Yeung, Cheng, T.C.E. (2020). ‘Enhancing the financial returns of R&D investments through operations management’, Production and Operations Management, 29(7):1658-1678.
Zhang, J., Sethi, S., Choi, T-M, Cheng, T.C.E. (2020). ‘Supply Chains Involving a Mean-Variance-Skewness-Kurtosis Newsvendor: Analysis and Coordination’, Production and Operations Management, 29(6):1397-1430.
Cousin, P., Dutordoir, M., Lawson, B., Frota Neto, J. (2020). ‘Shareholder wealth effects of modern slavery regulation’, Management Science, 66(11):5265-5289.
Guo Li, Lin Li, Choi, T-M, Sethi, S. (2020). ‘Green supply chain management in Chinese firms: Innovative measures and the moderating role of quick response technology’, Journal of Operations Management, 66(7-8):958-988.
Feng, Y., Song, D., Li, D., Zeng, Q. (2020). ‘The stochastic container relocation problem with flexible service policies’, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 141:116-163.
Schiffling, S., Hannibal, C., Fan, Y., Tickle, M. (2020). ‘Coopetition in temporary contexts: examining swift trust and swift distrust in humanitarian operations’, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 40(9):1449-1473
2019 publications
Bektas, T., Gouveia, L., Martinez-Sykora, A., & Salazar-Gonzalez, J. -J. (2019). Balanced vehicle routing: Polyhedral analysis and branch-and-cut algorithm. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 273(2), 452-463. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2018.08.034
Bektas, T., Gouveia, L., & Santos, D. (n.d.). (2019) Revisiting the Hamiltonian p-median problem: a new formulation on directed graphs and a branch-and-cut algorithm. European Journal of Operational Research. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2018.12.041
Bektas, T., Ehmke, J. F., Psaraftis, H. N., & Puchinger, J. (2019). The role of operational research in green freight transportation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 274(3), 807-823. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2018.06.001
Scarf, P., Parma, R., & McHale, I. (2019). On outcome uncertainty and scoring rates in sport: The case of international rugby union. European Journal of Operational Research, 273(2), 721-730. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2018.08.021
Xing, X., Drake, P. R., Song, D., & Zhou, Y. (2019). Tank Container Operators' profit maximization through dynamic operations planning integrated with the quotation-booking process under multiple uncertainties. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 274(3), 924-946. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2018.10.040
Wiprächtiger, D., Narayanamurthy, G., Moser, R., & Sengupta, T. (2019). Access-Based Business Model Innovation in Frontier Markets: Case Study of Shared Mobility in Timor-Leste. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Hota, P. K., Subramanian, B., & Narayanamurthy, G. (2019). Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Citation/Cocitation Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics.
Zhan, Y., Tan, K. H., & Huo, B. (2019). Bridging customer knowledge to innovative product development: a data mining approach. International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2019.1566662
Kian, R., Bektas, T., & Ouelhadj, D. (2019). Optimal spare parts management for vessel maintenance scheduling. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 272(1-2), 323-353. doi:10.1007/s10479-018-2907-y
2018 publications
Oguz, M., Bektas, T., & Bennell, J. A. (2018). Multicommodity flows and Benders decomposition for restricted continuous location problems. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 266(3), 851-863. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.11.033
Lam, H. K. S. (2018). Doing good across organizational boundaries: Sustainable supply chain practices and firms' financial risk. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 38(12), 2389-2412. doi:10.1108/IJOPM-02-2018-0056
Ebrahimi, S. M., Koh, S. C. L., Genovese, A., & Kumar, N. (2018). Structure-integration relationships in oil and gas supply chains. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 38(2), 424-445. doi:10.1108/IJOPM-02-2016-0089
McHale, I. G., & Relton, S. D. (2018). Identifying key players in soccer teams using network analysis and pass difficulty. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 268(1), 339-347. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2018.01.018
Baker, R. D., & McHale, I. G. (2018). Time-varying ratings for international football teams. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 267(2), 659-666. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.11.042
Schaefers, T., Moser, R., & Narayanamurthy, G. (2018). Access-Based Services for the Base of the Pyramid. JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH, 21(4), 421-437. doi:10.1177/1094670518770034
Zhan, Y., & Tan, K. H. (n.d.). An Analytic Infrastructure for Harvesting Big Data to Enhance Supply Chain Performance. European Journal of Operational Research. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2018.09.018
Adamo, T., Bektas, T., Ghiani, G., Guerriero, E., & Manni, E. (2018). Path and Speed Optimization for Conflict-Free Pickup and Delivery Under Time Windows. TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE, 52(4), 739-755. doi:10.1287/trsc.2017.0816
Panwar, A., Jain, R., Rathore, A. P. S., Nepal, B., & Lyons, A. C. (2018). The impact of lean practices on operational performance - an empirical investigation of Indian process industries. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 29(2), 158-169. doi:10.1080/09537287.2017.1397788
Guo, S., Choi, T. -M., Shen, B., & Jung, S. (2018). Inventory Management in Mass Customization Operations: A Review. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1-17. doi:10.1109/TEM.2018.2839616
Choi, T. -M., & Guo, S. (2018). Responsive supply in fashion mass customisation systems with consumer returns. International Journal of Production Research, 56(10), 3409-3422. doi:10.1080/00207543.2017.1292065
Ding, L., Lam, H. K. S., Cheng, T. C. E., & Zhou, H. (2018). A review of short-term event studies in operations and supply chain management. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 200, 329-342. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.04.006
Arunachalam, D., & Kumar, N. (2018). Benefit-based consumer segmentation and performance evaluation of clustering approaches: An evidence of data-driven decision-making. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 111, 11-34. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2018.03.007
Nisar, T., Kumar, N., & Prabhakar, G. (n.d.). Effect of Best Management Practices on the Performance and Productivity of Small Firms. Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations
Huang, H., He, Y., & Li, D. (2018). Coordination of pricing, inventory, and production reliability decisions in deteriorating product supply chains. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 56(18), 6201-6224. doi:10.1080/00207543.2018.1480070
Chen, X., Wu, S., Wang, X., & Li, D. (n.d.). Optimal pricing strategy for the perishable food supply chain. International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2018.1557352
Narayanamurthy, G., Gurumurthy, A., Subramanian, N., & Moser, R. (2018). Assessing the readiness to implement lean in healthcare institutions - A case study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 197, 123-142. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.12.028
Moser, R., Narayanamurthy, G., Kusaba, K., & Kaiser, G. (2018). Performance of low-cost country sourcing projects - Conceptual model & empirical analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 204, 30-43. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.07.011
Zarei, B., Sharifi, H., & Chaghouee, Y. (2018). Delay causes analysis in complex construction projects: a Semantic Network Analysis approach. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 29(1), 29-40. doi:10.1080/09537287.2017.1376257
Mangla, S. K., Luthra, S., Mishra, N., Singh, A., Rana, N. P., Dora, M., & Dwivedi, Y. (2018). Barriers to effective circular supply chain management in a developing country context. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 29(6), 551-569. doi:10.1080/09537287.2018.1449265
Singh, A., Kumari, S., Malekpoor, H., & Mishra, N. (2018). Big data cloud computing framework for low carbon supplier selection in the beef supply chain. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 202, 139-149. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.236
Singh, A., Shukla, N., & Mishra, N. (2018). Social media data analytics to improve supply chain management in food industries. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 114, 398-415. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2017.05.008
Xie, Y., & Song, D. -P. (2018). Optimal planning for container prestaging, discharging, and loading processes at seaport rail terminals with uncertainty. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, 119, 88-109. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2018.09.008
Zhan, Y., Tan, K. H., Li, Y., & Tse, Y. K. (2018). Unlocking the power of big data in new product development. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 270(1-2), 577-595. doi:10.1007/s10479-016-2379-x
Tseng, M. -L., Lim, M. K., Wong, W. -P., Chen, Y. -C., & Zhan, Y. (2018). A framework for evaluating the performance of sustainable service supply chain management under uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 195, 359-372. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.09.002
2017 publications
Akpinar, S., Elmi, A., & Bektas, T. (2017). Combinatorial Benders cuts for assembly line balancing problems with setups. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 259(2), 527-537. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.11.001
Baker, R. D., & McHale, I. G. (2017). An empirical Bayes model for time-varying paired comparisons ratings: Who is the greatest women’s tennis player?. European Journal of Operational Research, 258(1), 328-333. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.08.043
Jiang, Y., Li, B., & Song, D. (2017). Analysing consumer RP in a dual-channel supply chain with a risk-averse retailer. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, 11(3), 271-302. doi:10.1504/EJIE.2017.084877
Zheng, W., Li, B., & Song, D. -P. (2017). Effects of risk-aversion on competing shipping lines' pricing strategies with uncertain demands. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 104, 337-356. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2017.08.004
Lee, C. -Y., & Song, D. -P. (2017). Ocean container transport in global supply chains: Overview and research opportunities. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 95, 442-474. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2016.05.001
Xie, F., Potts, C. N., & Bektas, T. (2017). Iterated local search for workforce scheduling and routing problems. JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS, 23(6), 471-500. doi:10.1007/s10732-017-9347-8
Um, J., Lyons, A., Lam, H. K. S., Cheng, T. C. E., & Dominguez-Pery, C. (2017). Product variety management and supply chain performance: A capability perspective on their relationships and competitiveness implications. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 187, 15-26. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.02.005
Li, D., & Wang, X. (2017). Dynamic supply chain decisions based on networked sensor data: an application in the chilled food retail chain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 55(17), 5127-5141. doi:10.1080/00207543.2015.1047976
Boshnakov, G., Kharrat, T., & McHale, I. G. (2017). A bivariate Weibull count model for forecasting association football scores. International Journal of Forecasting, 33(2), 458-466. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2016.11.006
Yusuf, Y. Y., Olaberinjo, A. E., Papadopoulos, T., Gunasekaran, A., Subramanian, N., & Sharifi, H. (2017). Returnable transport packaging in developing countries: drivers, barriers and business performance. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 28(6-8), 629-658. doi:10.1080/09537287.2017.1294271
Mishra, N., Singh, A., Rana, N. P., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2017). Interpretive structural modelling and fuzzy MICMAC approaches for customer centric beef supply chain: application of a big data technique. Production Planning & Control, 28(11-12), 945-963. doi:10.1080/09537287.2017.1336789
Tan, K. H., & Zhan, Y. (2017). Improving new product development using big data: a case study of an electronics company. R&D Management, 47(4), 570-582. doi:10.1111/radm.12242
2016 publications
Lam, H. K. S., Yeung, A. C. L., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2016). The impact of firms' social media initiatives on operational efficiency and innovativeness. JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 47-48, 28-43. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2016.06.001
Koc, C., Bektas, T., Jabali, O., & Laporte, G. (2016). A comparison of three idling options in long-haul truck scheduling. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 93, 631-647. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2016.08.006
Paraskevopoulos, D. C., Bektas, T., Crainic, T. G., & Potts, C. N. (2016). A cycle-based evolutionary algorithm for the fixed-charge capacitated multi-commodity network design problem. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 253(2), 265-279. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.12.051
Koc, C., Bektas, T., Jabali, O., & Laporte, G. (2016). The impact of depot location, fleet composition and routing on emissions in city logistics. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 84, 81-102. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2015.12.010
Li, C., Qi, X., & Song, D. (2016). Real-time schedule recovery in liner shipping service with regular uncertainties and disruption events. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 93, 762-788. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2015.10.004
Koc, C., Bektas, T., Jabali, O., & Laporte, G. (2016). Thirty years of heterogeneous vehicle routing. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 249(1), 1-21. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.07.020
Koc, C., Bektas, T., Jabali, O., & Laporte, G. (2016). The fleet size and mix location-routing problem with time windows: Formulations and a heuristic algorithm. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 248(1), 33-51. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.06.082
Kumar, M., & Kumar, N. (2016). Three dimensions of service recovery: examining relationship and impact. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 21(2), 273-286. doi:10.1108/SCM-03-2015-0086
Szczepański, Ł., & McHale, I. (2016). Beyond completion rate: evaluating the passing ability of footballers. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 179(2), 513-533. doi:10.1111/rssa.12115
Asif, M., & McHale, I. G. (2016). In-play forecasting of win probability in One-Day International cricket: A dynamic logistic regression model. International Journal of Forecasting, 32(1), 34-43. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2015.02.005
Narayanamurthy, G., & Gurumurthy, A. (2016). Leanness assessment: a literature review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 36(10), 1115-1160. doi:10.1108/IJOPM-01-2015-0003
Najafi-Tavani, S., Sharifi, H., & Najafi-Tavani, Z. (2016). Market orientation, marketing capability, and new product performance: The moderating role of absorptive capacity. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 69(11), 5059-5064. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.080
Mishra, N., Singh, A., Kumari, S., Govindan, K., & Ali, S. I. (2016). Cloud-based multi-agent architecture for effective planning and scheduling of distributed manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 54(23), 7115-7128. doi:10.1080/00207543.2016.1165359
Mishra, N., & Singh, A. (n.d.). Use of twitter data for waste minimisation in beef supply chain. Annals of Operations Research. doi:10.1007/s10479-016-2303-4