Volunteer your time

From meeting prospective students or mentoring current students to returning to the school as a guest speaker, you can make real difference to today’s students and global network of alumni whilst developing your skills and connections. We are very happy to work with you to find a way to get involved which suits your skills, interests, and circumstances.

Our volunteering opportunities

Advertise graduate and placement vacancies

Time required: 15-30 minutes

If you are a member of our alumni community or a graduate employer and would like to advertise vacancies or placements to current students and recent graduates, please register your interest.

Alternatively contact the ULMS Alumni Team who can share more about this opportunity including how to sign-up to Handshake (the University of Liverpool's careers platform).

BA Placements

Time required: Flexible

Our high-performing MBA students are available to help with no charge to your business; they can answer a straightforward query or provide a basic diagnostic service like the market analysis.

We draw from our top MBA students, with their diverse skills, utilising their previous work experience and current studies. The student will work on an agreed project, which can vary in nature depending on your needs. The output will form part of the student’s final mark.

Share your career story

Time required: 1-2 hours

Feature in one of our fortnightly student e-newsletters and our social media channels by sharing your career story. Our students love to hear from alumni and what they have gone on to achieve post graduating from ULMS.

If you are interested in writing a short piece about you and your career along with any words of wisdom for our students and global network of alumni, please get in touch.

Become a mentor with LivUni Mentors

LivUni Mentors is a fantastic program that offers you the opportunity to share your career advice and story with current students and fellow alumni through informal mentoring via Handshake.

Find out how to become a LivUniMentor.

Mentoring programmes (MBA/MSc only)

Our mentoring schemes aim to further enhance students’ employability skills, through a partnership with a member of the University’s alumni. Just a few hours of your time over the course of an academic year would make a real difference to a student.

Mentoring enables students to gain experience in networking and expand their professional contacts whilst boosting their self-esteem and confidence.

For more information, please email us.

Employer Visits

Time required: 2-3 hours

An employer visit is designed to give you access to our diverse talent pools via interaction, enabling you to promote your recruitment opportunities as well as showcasing your company culture and industry achievements.

Visits consist of a 60-90 minute ‘visit’ to your workplace where you or your company representative will give a tour of your place of work.

If this is of interest, please contact the team.

Guest lectures

Time required: 2+ hours

Would you like to give a guest lecture to our students on your area of expertise? Whether you prefer to present online or in person, industry insights can really bring to life the curriculum.

Tell us your specialist subject and we can connect you with the appropriate module leader.

Register your interest via our volunteering form and we will be in touch.

Support with Employability

Time required: 2+ hours

We welcome alumni at all stages of their careers to talk about a breadth of subjects including how the made the jump from university to the world of business or to give insights about working a specific industry/ role.

These sessions also give you the opportunity to meet excellent potential employees and raise the profile of your own organisation. We are happy to try new formats, from presentations and student roundtables to Q&A sessions.

Register your interest via our volunteering form and we will be in touch once an opportunity arises.

Get involved in innovation and enterprise activities

Time required: 2+ hours

We are always looking for alumni volunteers with experience as entrepreneurs and innovators to support our current students and young alumni who have started their own business.

Get in touch if you are interested in either speaking at an event, delivering a session or workshop, being a judge in a business competition, or other enterprise related activities.

Get involved by contacting the ULMS Alumni team.

Organise a reunion

Time required: 2+ hours

With over 20,000 graduates spread across the world, we have a vast alumni network. Get in touch if you are interested in holding an informal alumni gathering.

You could meet over a coffee, at an exhibition, in a bar or even over dinner and could involve two of you or 20, it really doesn’t matter. Get in touch for more information.

Alumni representation at student recruitment events

Time required: 2+ hours

The University of Liverpool attends numerous international recruitment events and potential students really value the chance to talk to alumni. It does not matter at what stage in your career you are or how many events you can attend.

You can volunteer your time by assisting staff on recruitment stands and holding discussions with prospective students about how you have used your university experience to progress in your career.

Become an Alumni Champion

Becoming an alumni champion is a great way to stay connected, give back and inspire future generations of graduates. By sharing your experiences and supporting alumni initiatives, you help strengthen the community and create a lasting impact.

Email us

Project Partners

Become one of our project partners and benefit from the knowledge and skills of our talented undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

Find out how to become a project partner


Talking to students about my journey and sharing expertise is an honour. I am passionate about giving back to the University.

Beth Heron, Unsecured Lending Manager at HSBC

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