Led by Professor Chris Florakis, the Accounting and Finance Group brings together scholars, early career researchers and PhD students with an interest these areas.
Subject group leads
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Subject group head Professor Chris Florakis |
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Director of Education Mrs Gayle Waddell |
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Director of Research Professor Charlie Cai |
Name | Role | Research/Scholarship |
University Teacher in Accounting |
Senior Lecturer in Accounting |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Director of Studies MSC Finance |
Professor in Accounting and Finance |
Director of Studies Football Industries MBA Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Director of Studies MSc Financial Investment Management Postgraduate Lead Accounting and Finance |
Professor of Finance Director of Research: Accounting and Finance Group |
Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting |
Deputy Director of Studies BA Accounting and Finance |
Joint Honours/Honours Select Liaison Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Professor of Finance Subject Group Head: Accounting and Finance Group |
XJTLU Link Tutor (Moderation) Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Chair of Undergraduate Board of Examiners Senior Lecturer in Accounting |
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting |
Lecturer in Finance |
Professor of Finance |
Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Professor of Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting |
Associate Dean: Postgraduate Study Senior Lecturer in Corporate Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Accountancy |
Deputy Dean: Education and Student Experience |
Professor of Finance |
Lecturer in Finance |
Professor of Accounting and Finance |
Director of Studies MSc Accounting and Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Chair EDI Committee Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Accounting |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence in Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Director of Studies: BA Accounting and Finance |
Lecturer in Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Finance |
Director of Studies MSc Online Financial Investment Management Chair of Online Board of Examiners |
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance Director of Education: Accounting and Finance Group |
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance |
Director of Studies BSc Finance and Data Analytics |
Director of Studies MSc Finance and Investment Management |
Lecturer in Finance |
Lecturer in Finance |
Director of Studies PhD Accounting and Finance |
Aiming to equip students with the latest skills demanded by employers, our Group offers the BA Accounting and Finance BA and the Finance with Data Analytics BSc, both Year in Industry options also available.
We also offer the specialist postgraduate programmes Finance MSc, Accounting and Finance MSc, Finance and Investment Management MSc and Financial Technology MSc.
We also contribute to a wide range of modules as part of the School's general management academic offering at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and lead the Schools postgraduate research programme Accounting and Finance PhD.
Teaching is led by evidence-based research produced by our team of international experts, whose work is shaping world-class academic thought, and making a direct impact on a wide range of organisations and institutions.
We also offer access to globally recognised databases, to enhance the study and research in accounting and finance:
- Bloomberg
- BoardEX
- China Stock Market and Accounting (CSMAR)
- Refinitiv Eikon
- TickHistory
- Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS).
Members of the group regularly publish in a range of top scholarly journals, including:
- Journal of Finance
- Review of Financial Studies
- Journal of Financial Economics
- Journal of Accounting and Economics
- Management Science
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
- Review of Finance
- The Review of Economics and Statistics
- Journal of Money Credit and Banking
- Journal of Econometrics
The group's academics also hold senior editorial positions in prestigious journals and sit on numerous editorial boards.
Selected recent publications
Banerjee, S., Dasgupta, S., Shi, R. U. I., & Yan, J. (2024). 'Information Complementarities and the Dynamics of Transparency Shock Spillovers', Journal of Accounting Research, 62(1), 55-99.
Cai, X., De Cesari, A., Gao, N. and Peng, N. (2023). ‘Acquisitions and Technology Value Revision’, Management Science, 0(0).
Cai, C. X., Keasey, K., Li, P. and Zhang, Q. (2023). ‘Market Development, Information Diffusion and the Global Anomaly Puzzle’, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 58(1): 104–147.
Ellington, M., Martin, C. and Wang, B. (2023). ‘Revisiting Real Wage Rigidity’, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Florackis, C., Louca, C., Michaely, R. and Weber, M. (2023). ‘Cybersecurity Risk’, The Review of Financial Studies, 36(1), 351-407.
- DOI: 10.1093/rfs/hhac024
Gazi, A. and Aretz, K. (2023). ‘The Early Exercise Risk Premium’, Management Science.
- DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3465453
Kostakis, A., Magdalinos, T. and Stamatogiannis, M. P. (2023). ‘Taking Stock of Long-Horizon Predictability Tests: Are Factor Returns Predictable?’, Journal of Econometrics, 237(2).
Barunik, J., Bevilacqua, M., and Tunaru, R. (2022). ‘Asymmetric Network Connectedness of Fears’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(6): 1304–1316.
- DOI: 10.1162/rest_a_01003
Avino, D.E., Stancu, A. and Wese Simen, C. (2021). 'The Predictive Power of the Dividend Risk Premium', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56(8): 2843-2869.
Avino, D. E., Stancu, A. and Wese Simen, C. (2021). 'Dissecting Macroeconomic News', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 53: 1047-1077.
- DOI: 10.1111/jmcb.12804
Ellington, M. (2021). ‘The Empirical Relevance of the Shadow Rate and the Zero Lower Bound’, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 54: 1605-1635.
- DOI: 10.1111/jmcb.12881
Milas, C., Panagiotidis, T. and Dergiades, T. (2021). 'Does It Matter Where You Search? Twitter versus Traditional News Media', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 53, 1757-1795.
- DOI: 10.1111/jmcb.12805
Hollstein, F., Prokopczuk, M. and Wese Simen, C. (2020) 'The Conditional CAPM Revisited: Evidence From High-Frequency Betas', Management Science, 66: 2291-2299.
Hollstein, F. and Wese Simen, C. (2020). 'Variance Risk: A Bird's Eye View', Journal of Econometrics, 215: 517-535.
Yang, Y. C., Zhang, B. and Zhang, C. (2020). 'Is Information Risk Priced? Evidence from Abnormal Idiosyncratic Volatility', Journal of Financial Economics, 135, 528-554.
Ahmed, S., Bu, Z. and Tsvetanov, D. (2019). 'Best of the Best: A Comparison of Factor Models', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54(4): 1713-1758.
Aretz, K., Banerjee, S., & Pryshchepa, O. (2019). 'In the Path of the Storm: Does Distress Risk Cause Industrial Firms to Risk-Shift?'. Review of Finance, 23(6), 1115-1154.
- DOI: 10.1093/rof/rfy028
Delikouras, S. and Kostakis, A. (2019). 'A Single-Factor Consumption-Based Asset Pricing Model', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54(2): 789-827.
Aretz, K., Florackis, C. and Kostakis, A. (2018). 'Do Stock Returns Really Decrease with Default Risk? New International Evidence', Management Science, 64(8): 3821-3842.
Stilger, P. S., Kostakis, A. and Poon, S. H. (2016). 'What Does Risk-Neutral Skewness Tell Us About Future Stock Returns?', Management Science, 63(6): 1814-1834.
Kostakis, A., Magdalinos, T. and Stamatogiannis, M. P. (2015). 'Robust Econometric Inference for Stock Return Predictability', Review of Financial Studies, 28(5): 1506-1553.
- DOI: 10.1093/rfs/hhu139
Zhang, Q., Vallascas, F., Keasey, K. and Cai, C. X. (2015). 'Are Market-Based Measures of Global Systemic Importance of Financial Institutions Useful to Regulators and Supervisors?', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 47: 1403-1442.
- DOI: 10.1111/jmcb.12249
Research themes
Our team is divided in research subgroups focusing in four key themes in accounting and finance.
Asset pricing and investment
This research subgroup is at the forefront of exploring a wide array of topics, each playing a pivotal role in enhancing our understanding of financial markets and their societal implications.
As well as academically enriching, research in this area has far-reaching implications for the practical world of finance, influencing investment strategies, policy formulation, and the overall health and efficiency of financial markets.
Empirical asset pricing and performance evaluation
Academics focusing on this subtopic study option-implied information, stock return predictability and the comparative analysis of various asset pricing models, including consumption-based and factor models.
The research conducted here is vital for developing more refined and accurate asset pricing models.
These models serve as essential tools for investors and policymakers in making well-informed financial decisions.
In addition, the study of information and liquidity risks in equity markets, as well as the informational value of option prices for predicting future stock returns, is also significant.
These studies are key to understanding the intricacies of market dynamics and investor behaviour, ultimately shaping investment strategies and market performance.
Investment technology, ethics and strategy
A key focus of studies on this subtopic is the integration of technological innovations with traditional asset pricing models.
This is not merely a reflection of the evolving financial landscape, but also a potential catalyst for revolutionising investment strategies and enhancing market efficiency.
Equally crucial is the exploration of pricing anomalies and the principles of sustainable investing.
These areas are instrumental in fostering ethical investment practices and in dissecting the complexities of market inefficiencies.
Equity and other asset classes
The investigation into asset pricing in relation to equity, foreign exchange markets, and commodity derivatives offers profound insights into the functioning of different market segments.
This research is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of global financial interactions.
Additionally, the focus on credit risk modelling and the interplay between equity, credit and options markets is essential for identifying and mitigating financial risks, thereby contributing to the overall stability of financial systems.
Financial econometrics and machine learning
The subgroup is also pioneering in the field of financial econometrics, developing innovative techniques for risk measurement and modelling various macro and financial indicators.
These advancements are instrumental in forecasting and managing financial risks, thus bolstering the stability and resilience of financial markets.
The development of machine learning algorithms for predicting market volatility and analysing commodity and financial spreads is another area of focus.
These tools are invaluable for deciphering market behaviour and enhancing risk management strategies.
Corporate finance and accounting
Academics in this research subgroup conduct pivotal studies that significantly enhance our understanding of corporate dynamics and their impact on the economy and society.
This subgroup's work offers valuable insights into corporate finance and accounting, significantly influencing corporate practices, regulatory policies and ethical standards, as well as shaping a more transparent, responsible and sustainable business environment.
Corporate governance and shareholder value
Research in this area critically analyses corporate governance practices, with a especial focus on their effects on shareholder value and the negative impacts of suboptimal governance.
Our academic contribution spans various geographical and cultural contexts, including Latin America, and examines the role of gender diversity in boardrooms.
These studies aim to improve governance structures, thereby enhancing corporate performance and ethical standards, and extend to mergers, acquisitions, corporate innovations and patents.
Corporate finance, networks and insider trading
Research on this topic investigates the relationship between corporate finance and governance, particularly the effects of corporate and individual networks on insider trading, mergers and acquisitions, and executive compensation.
This research is key to understanding corporate decision-making and the ethical challenges involved.
Market-based accounting research and corporate transparency
Research in this area focuses on the relationship between accounting practices and market perceptions, influencing corporate strategies in debt contracting and earnings quality.
It encompasses corporate disclosures, risk management, derivatives, financial analysts and tax avoidance, all crucial for corporate communication with investors and risk management.
Our research also examines earnings management and the value relevance of accounting information, vital for financial reporting transparency and investor confidence.
Sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Research on this area addresses a range of topics related to global sustainability, including the determinants of ESG performance in firms, market reactions to ESG disclosures, and the social aspects of ESG.
Our academic contribution also covers the use of alternative data in climate change response, ESG performance implications, and its integration into risk and investment management, as well as its impact on advertising, market value, and asset pricing.
These activities contribute to new knowledge and drive significant economic, social, and cultural change.
International financial markets and the macroeconomy
Research within this subgroup is organised into key subareas, each dissecting unique yet interrelated facets of global financial dynamics and macroeconomic relationships.
Each of these subareas collectively contribute to a holistic understanding of the intricate interplay between international financial markets and macroeconomic factors.
The insights produced by our academics are invaluable for policymakers, financial practitioners and the global economy, offering a comprehensive perspective on the forces shaping today's financial landscape.
Sovereign debt and international monetary policy
Research In this area delves into the complexities of sovereign debt and the nuances of credit rating systems, both pivotal for gauging global financial stability and the role of credit in international economies.
Additionally, it encompasses a thorough examination of international monetary policy, scrutinising its profound effects on global financial markets.
This includes an analysis of how policy decisions shape market dynamics, influence international trade and drive economic growth.
Time series analysis of macro and financial indicators
Our academic contribution to this topic is centred on the detailed study of macroeconomic and financial indicators over time.
It is instrumental in decoding market movements, identifying trends and understanding their wider economic consequences.
This area also extends to the development and analysis of novel financial risk indicators, especially those derived from options, to elucidate their interplay with the broader macroeconomy.
Such research is crucial for effective risk assessment and management in financial markets.
Furthermore, our research incorporates the use of sophisticated Bayesian and non-linear techniques for modelling and forecasting financial markets.
These contributions enhance the precision and dependability of financial market predictions, which are essential for informed economic policy-making and financial market analysis.
Impact of social media on financial markets
Research on this topic investigates the increasingly significant role of social media platforms in shaping financial market behaviour.
It focuses on how digital communication channels impact market trends, influence investor behaviour and alter the dissemination of financial news.
This line of research is particularly relevant in the digital age, where information flow and its effects on markets are rapidly evolving.
Financial technology (FinTech)
Research by this subgroup covers several cutting-edge areas, each addressing key aspects of the rapidly evolving FinTech landscape and its implications for the financial sector.
Payment technologies and the future of money
Our academic contribution in area focuses on the advancements and dynamics of payment technologies, with a particular emphasis on cryptocurrencies and stable coin pricing.
Research on this topic is crucial for understanding the evolving nature of digital currencies and their potential to reshape the future of money, finance and global payment systems.
Explainable artificial intelligence (AI) in financial services
The focus in this area is the application of explainable artificial AI in financial services.
This includes enhancing and automating decision-making processes in areas such as mortgage lending, small business loans and insurance claim handling.
Research in on this topic especially concentrates on AI explainability, as it aims to make AI-driven decisions more transparent and understandable, thereby fostering trust and efficiency in financial services.
Integration of FinTech and big data in financial markets and sustainable finance
This area explores the intersection of fintech with big data analytics within financial markets and sustainable finance.
Research is centred on how fintech and big data can be leveraged to drive innovation, efficiency and sustainability in financial markets.
This includes understanding how these technologies can aid in the development of more sustainable financial practices and products.
Research centres
Members of our group regularly contribute to inter-disciplinary research projects run by the University's and our School's Research Centres.
Find out more about the Management School's Research Centres
Upcoming seminars
Our Group regularly organises seminar series with prominent international speakers, to present their latest research and ideas in accounting and finance:
To be confirmed
Past seminars
Anti-Poaching Agreements, Innovation, and Corporate Value: Evidence from the Technology Industry
- Dr Gaurav Kankanhalli, University of Pittsburgh (USA)
- Wednesday 19 March
Options Market Makers
- Dr Antonia Krasimirova Kirilova, CUNEF University (Spain)
- Wednesday 12 March
Inflation and Trading
- Dr Michael Weber, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business (USA)
- Friday 7 March
Cross-border Patenting and Corporate Debt Capacity
- Dr Sapnoti Eswar, University of St Andrews Business School (UK)
- Wednesday 5 February
Option Trade Classification
- Professor Philipp Schuster, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
- Wednesday 4 December
0DTE Index Options and Market Volatility: How Large is Their Impact?
- Dr Aurelio Vasquez, ITAM (Mexico)
- Tuesday 19 November
PhD Talk: Pitching Research and Responsible Science
- Professor Robert Faff, Bond University (Australia)
- Wednesday 30 October
Politically Motivated Capital Expenditures: Evidence from Banking
- Professor Wanli Zhao, Bocconi University (Italy)
- Wednesday 30 October
Public Employee Complaints, Whistleblowing, and Regulatory Activity: Evidence from Workplace Safety Inspections
- Dr Jeroen Koenraadt, London School of Economics (England)
- Wednesday 23 October
A Greenwashing Index
- Dr Elise Gourier, ESSEC Business School (France)
- Wednesday 9 October
The Chilling Effect of Anti-ESG Laws
- Dr Alper Darendeli, Nanyang Technological University Singapore (Singapore)
- 2 October 2024
Is history repeating itself? The (un)predictable past of ESG ratings
- Dr Kornelia Fabisik, University of Bern (Switzerland)
- 25 September 2024
Competition and New Product Introductions: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Professor Sudipto Dasgupta, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
- 17 September 2024
What do Interest Rates Reveal about the Stock Market? A Noisy Rational Expectations Model of Stock and Bond Markets
- Dr Adrian Buss, INSEAD (France)
- 17 April 2024
Lease Reporting and Credit Markets
- Dr Maria Correia, London School of Economics (England)
- 20 March 2024
Voluntary Disclosure and the Earnings Announcement Premium
- Dr Amir Amel-Zadeh, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford (England)
- 6 March 2024
More nonlinear or more factors?
- Professor Paul Schneider, Universita’ della Svizzera Italiana (USI) Lugano (Switzerland)
- 21 February 2024
Market Returns Dormant in Options Panels
- Dr Soohun Kim, KAIST College of Business (Korea)
- 14 February 2024
What explains price momentum and 52-week high momentum when they really work?
- Dr Pedro Barroso, Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics (Portugal)
- 31 January 2024
Long-Run Consumption and Inflation Risks in Stock and Bond Markets
- Dr Marta Szymanowska, Rotterdam School of Management – Erasmus University (The Netherlands)
- 13 December 2023
Increased Market Response to Earnings Announcements: The Role of Information Acquisition Costs
- Dr Bin Li, University of Houston, Bauer College of Business (USA)
- 29 November 2023
Trading Fees and Intermarket Competition
- Dr Marios Panayides, University of Oklahoma (USA)
- 10 November 2023
0DTE option pricing
- Professor Nicola Fusari, Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University (USA)
- 1 November 2023
Asset Allocation with Factor-Based Covariance Matrices
- Professor John Cotter, University College Dublin (Ireland)
- 25 October 2023
Measuring Firm-Level Tax Audit Risks with Generative AI
- Dr Ga-Young Choi, Bayes Business School (England)
- 18 October 2023
Global Business Networks
- Professor Sebastian Muller, Technical University of Munich School of Management (Germany)
- 11 October 2023
Big Brother is Watching You: The Effect of the CSISC Shareholding Program on Insider Trading
- Professor Marc Goergen, IE University (Spain)
- 4 October 2023
Pension Fund Flows, Exchange Rates, and Covered Interest Rate Parity
- Professor Zhi Da, University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business (USA)
- 27 September 2023
Promoting digitalization without subsidies
- Professor Maria-Teresa Marchica, University of Manchester (England)
- 4 May 2023
Family to firm expansion: How does the CEO children number affect corporate investment?
- Professor Grzegorz Pawlina, Lancaster University (England)
- 4 May 2023
Political connections cause resource misallocation: Evidence from the fall of fascism in Italy
- Professor Mara Faccio, Purdue University (USA)
- 4 May 2023
The sustainability wage gap
- Professor Philipp Kruger, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
- 25 April 2022
FX option volume
- Professor Pasquale Della Corte, Imperial College London (England)
- 27 March 2023
Skewness premia in currency markets
- Professor Lucio Sarno, University of Cambridge (England)
- 27 March 2023
Do Analysts’ Revenue Forecasts Reflect Brand Performance Data?
- Professor Mark Clatworthy, University of Bristol (England)
- 1 March 2023
Hazed and confused: Prenatal pollutant exposure and CEO risk-taking
- Professor Raghu Rau, University of Cambridge (England)
- 22 February 2022
The Pricing Kernel in Options
- Professor Kris Jacobs, Bauer College of Business, University of Houston (USA)
- 7 December 2022 2022
Arbitrage Bounds on Cross Currency Options
- Professor Roman Kozhan, University of Warwick (England)
- 23 November 2022
Sterling Flash Crash (SFC): Risk attitudes and biases for retail traders
- Professor Andreas Milidonis, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- 26 October 2022
Bond Volatility and CDS Auctions
- Professor Fan Yu, Claremont McKenna College (USA)
- 19 October 2022
The Asset Durability Premium
- Dr Chi-Yang Tsou, University of Manchester (England)
- 12 October 2022
Currency Risk Premiums Redux
- Professor Lucio Sarno, University of Cambridge (England)
- 28 June 2022
Who is Entrepreneurial? Evidence from Late Bloomer Firms with M&A strategies
- Dr Sofia Johan, Florida Atlantic University (USA)
- 22 June 2022
Women in the Financial Sector
- Professor Maria-Teresa Marchica, University of Manchester (England)
- 15 June 2022
Can stock market noise promote economic efficiency? Evidence from industry mispricings
- Professor Aneel Keswani, Bayes Business School (England)
- 25 May 2022
The Lost Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Dr Mungo Wilson, University of Oxford (England)
- 9 March 2022
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