Students using the Bloomberg terminals and large screens

McKenzie Trading Room

The McKenzie Trading Room is home to the Management School's Bloomberg terminals, allowing our students access to specialist financial data such as equities, commodities, foreign exchange and price indices.

The School's 40 Bloomberg terminals allow you to access data from across market sectors and workflows through one unified system that connects you to the data, news, analytics, and people you need to make fast, effective decisions. 

The trading room, named in remembrance of the former Director of the School Professor Michael McKenzie, was opened in 2016 as part of the £12 million extension to the School to provide students with unparalleled access to this market-leading software for teaching, private study such as during your dissertations and consultancy-based projects, research, and personal interests.


Bloomberg Market Concepts

All Management School students, regardless of their level or subject of study, can take the Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) course for free.  The BMC is a self-paced, e-learning course that provides an interactive introduction to the financial markets through modules including Commododites, Stock Options, Equities and Portfolio Management - skills highly sought-after by employers.

To access the course, students simply log in to one of the Bloomberg terminals, register for a Bloomberg username and then work through the course's modules at their own pace.  The BMC takes around 15 - 18 hours to complete.

Bloomberg was a vital tool in my PhD research in operations and supply chain management which enabled me to access secondary data using the supply chain function. I was able to find numerous tiers of suppliers, customers and competitors for a given company which allowed me to pursue important research questions that may not otherwise have been possible.

Dr Matt Mitchell (BA Business Management 2016, MSc Project Management 2017, PhD 2023)

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