Submit Paper
Authors who wish to submit papers are now able to do so. Please bear in mind the deadlines: 16th May for R-session and Y-session papers and 30th June for all other papers intended for inclusion on the Congress CD-ROM. Please follow the View Abstracts link below, then having selected the correct paper, click the "Submit Paper" link below the listed abstract. Please note that papers must be submitted in PDF format: no other formats will be accepted.
The Congress organisers are delighted at the excellent response to the Call for Papers. More than 1100 abstracts had been received by the time the Call was closed in February. Authors whose abstract has been accepted were emailed in early March. If you submitted an abstract and have still to hear whether it has been accepted, please let us know by email ( It may be that the email has been trapped by a spam filter – we are aware that this has happened in a small number of cases. Please note that it is now too late to submit an abstract if you have not already done so.
Types of Sessions
The Conference will have 5 types of sessions:
Refereed R-sessions
Papers addressed to these sessions will be refereed by the theme convenor for each thematic topic. The deadline for the full paper submission for R-sessions is May 16th 2008.
Refereed Y-sessions
These are the Young Scientists' sessions. For these sessions, all co-authors of the paper should be younger than 33 years old on September 1st 2008. The full papers will be refereed by the convenor of the Young Scientists' Sessions. All authors will compete for the Epainos Award, which is awarded to the best paper presented in these sessions. The deadline for submission of the full paper for Y-sessions is May 16th 2008.
General O-sessions
Full papers addressed to these sessions are not refereed, but they will be included to the Conference CD-ROM, unless the authors choose otherwise. The deadline for the full paper submission, if it is to be included on the CD is June 30th 2008.
Special S-sessions
The full papers for these special sessions may be refereed by the special session organiser, if he/she decides to do so. The deadline of June 30th 2008 for the inclusion on the Conference CD-ROM still applies.
For further information please contact:
Sandra Robinson
University of Liverpool
Department of Civic Design
The Gordon Stephenson Building
74 Bedford Street South
L69 7ZQ
Tel: +44 [0]151-794-3118
Fax: +44 [0]151-794-3125