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Dr Nektaria Kourtali is a Second Language Acquisition (SLA) researcher. She is interested in computer-assisted language learning, interactional feedback, task-based language teaching and individual differences (e.g. aptitude, working memory, motivation and foreign language anxiety). Her previous studies have explored the role of task complexity and second language aptitude in the effectiveness of interactional feedback. She has also examined the effects of feedback timing when young learners engage in written synchronous computer-mediated communication. Her work has been published in international SLA/CALL journals, including Language Learning, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, and Language Learning and Technology.

In her current project, she uses eye-tracking and stimulated recall methodology to explore the extent to which second language users of English attend to interactional feedback provided during written synchronous computer-mediated communication.

If you are interested in doing a PhD and your research interests lie in the field of instructed SLA (e.g. experimental research, eye-tracking methodology, computer-assisted language learning, task-based language teaching, interactional feedback, individual differences), please send your research proposal to Dr Kourtali by email (

Academic support and feedback hours (Semester 1, 2024): Wednesdays 13.00-15.00 or by appointment on campus or on Teams.