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Konstantin Vikhorev

Dr Konstantin Vikhorev
Dipl.-Ing, MSc, PhD

Chief Technology Officer / Director of Centre for Digital Heritage
Virtual Engineering Centre


I am currently Chief Technology Officer at the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) and Director of Centre for Digital Heritage (CDH). I am leading various commercial and academic projects, such as developing high fidelity digital framework for Digital Reactor Design project, designing a Big Data analysis solution for JLR Halewood factory and leading Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) LCR 4.0 projects, promoting digital technologies in Liverpool City Region.

I developed and implemented software and hardware solutions for BAE System Airspace Integration project. I was also involved in The Growing Autonomous Mission Management Applications (GAMMA) programme. GAMMA is a three year £9.1 million, Autonomous Systems programme aimed at driving SME engagement and developing technology within the emerging autonomous systems markets.

I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD), De Montfort University for 2.5 years. During this time, I was working on EC FP7: “Knowledge Awareness Prediction of man, machine and method in manufacturing” (KAP) project. KAP aims to develop a generic technology framework that provides new energy management standards and performance indicators, the development of algorithms to automate the measurement process and the design of visual interfaces that can communicate system states in an intuitive manner for a wide range of manufacturing systems. As a result of this work the framework for advanced industrial energy management has been developed and deployed via a prototype information system in a VOLVO Trucks machining line, Skövde plant, Sweden.