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Joseph Camm

Dr Joseph Camm
MEng DPhil CEng MIMechE FHEA


I am a Teaching & Scholarship Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and a chartered mechanical engineer. I currently teach a wide range of topics including Engineering Design, Programming, Engine Dissection, Sustainability and Sustainable Development, Electromechanical Systems and Industrial Robotics.

I am the Education for Sustainable Development lead for the School of Engineering, helping to embed Sustainable Development learning and competencies in modules across the School.

Currently, I am the Departmental Disability Contact for the School of Engineering and students can contact me for information and advice on matters relating to disability, neurodiversity, anxiety & depression.

As part of my commitment to Teaching and Scholarship, I received recognition at FHEA (Fellowship) level from AdvanceHE in 2022, after undertaking the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice.

Having completed a doctorate in fuel injection and combustion at the University of Oxford sponsored by Jaguar Land Rover, followed by related postdoctoral positions at Oxford and at Loughborough University, I retain an interest in research in multi-phase fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, propulsion and energy.

My research interests and engineering experience include:
- Multi-phase flows: sprays, droplets and films; fluid physicochemical properties; cavitation and flash boiling; with applications in respiratory drug inhalers and pharmaceutical aerosols; fuel injector and aftertreatment; and more.
- Applied thermodynamics: system energy and exergy analysis; combustion engines; mitigation of harmful pollutants.
- Optical and Laser measurement: using high-speed imaging, soot pyrometry, laser diagnostics to non-intrusively measure fluid and combustion phenomena.
- Engineering CFD: CFD model development and validation for reacting sprays and multi-phase flow: to help industry develop their next generation products quicker, with more confidence.

My Google Scholar Profile