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John Mottershead

Em P John Mottershead
BSc, PhD, DEng


John Mottershead is the Alexander Elder Professor of Applied Mechanics.

Prizes or Honours

  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: The first Modern Practice Conference was held in Liverpool in 1989: What have we learnt since then? (Institute of Physics: Applied Mechanics Group, 2022)
  • Best Paper Award: High-bandwidth morphing actuator for aeroelastic model control, Aerospace, 6(13), 2019 ('Aerospace' Best Paper Award for 2019, 2021)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Active Vibration Control based on Modal Test Data (11th Styrian Noise, Vibration and Harshness Congress: The European Automotive Noise Conference, On-line., 2020)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Active Vibration Control: Nonlinear and Aeroelastic Problems (14th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XiV), Lisbon, Portugal., 2018)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Progress in stochastic model updating (Uncertainties 2016, Maresias, Brazil, 2016)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Pole placement and active vibration control in structures. (Adaptive Impact Absorption, Polish Academy of Sciences, IPPT PAN, Warsaw, Poland., 2015)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Image analysis of full-field vibration and strain measurements (International Conference on Engineering Vibration, Ljubljana, Slovenia., 2015)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Uncertainty in model updating (13th Int. Conf. on Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, Lodz, Poland., 2015)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Image analysis of full-field vibration and strain data. (10th Int. Conf. on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, BSSM, Edinburgh., 2015)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Perspectives on model updating. (International Conference on Engineering Dynamics, Lagos, Portugal., 2015)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: The sensitivity method in stochastic model updating (10th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC X), Manchester., 2014)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Image analysis of full field vibration and strain data (International Conference on Computational Methods, Cambridge, UK., 2014)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Stochastic model updating: perturbation, interval method and Bayesian inference. (10th International Conference on Vibration Problems, Prague, Czech Republic., 2011)
  • Opening Keynote Address: Active vibration control of structures (American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineering Mechanics Institute, June 2-4, 2011, Boston MA., 2011)
  • Invited Plenary Presentation: A receptance method for active pole placement in structures: sensitivity, partial pole placement and robustness (Proc. Linear and Numerical Linear Algebra, Northern Illinois University, USA., 2009)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Structural modification: direct and inverse problems (Noise and Vibration Emerging Technologies, NOVEM 2005, Saint Raphaël, France., 2005)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Experiments in structural modification (Identification in Engineering Systems, Swansea, UK., 2002)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Model updating of joints and connections (Structural Dynamics Modelling: Test, Analysis, Correlation and Validation, Madeira, Portugal., 2002)
  • Paper Selected for Special Review (The Institution of Mechanical Engineers: 50th Anniversary of the Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 215(C1), 65-75., 2001)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Pole-zero cancellation for the creation of vibration modes (International Conference on Advanced Problems in Vibration Theory and Applications, Xi'an, China., 2000)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Finite element model updating : method and application (Fourth International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, Nottingham., 2000)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Lagrange multiplier formulation for F.E.M (Contact Mechanics '93, Southampton, UK.., 1993)
  • Plenary Keynote Presentation: Finite element analysis of contact and friction: state-of-art survey, and study of commercial code capabilities (Institute of Physics Conference, Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, Sheffield, UK., 1993)