Working papers 2024

Take a look at the papers the Economics group worked on in 2024:

    WP202401 "Safe Implementation" by Malachy James Gavan and Antonio Penta.

    WP202402 "A Systematic Test of the Independence Axiom Near Certainty" by Ritesh Jain and Kirby Nielsen.

    WP202403 "Elections for sale? Evidence from cash transactions around elections in Italy" by Giuseppe De Feo, Giacomo De Luca, Mario Gara and Marianna Siino.

    WP202404 "What Hinders Structural Reforms?" by Shangshang Li.

    WP202405 "The Global Financial Cycle and International Monetary Policy Cooperation" by Shangshang Li.

    WP202406 "One’s Pain is Another’s Gain - Early Career Exposure and Later Labor Market Outcomes" by Sam Hoey.

    WP202407 "CBDC and Banks: Disintermediating Fast and Slow" by Rhys Bidder, Timothy Jackson and Matthias Rottner.

    WP202408 "The Macroprudential Role of Central Bank Balance Sheets" by Egemen Eren, Timothy Jackson and Giovanni Lombardo.

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