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Ecology in the Anthropocene

Code: IVES713

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 1

The module will provide an advanced understanding of how ecological systems are responding to major human drivers of environmental change. The key drivers that will be covered include i) climate change, ii) land-use change, iii) over-exploitation, iv) pollution, and v) biological invasions. Cutting across these five key themes and their interactions, students will explore fundamental processes that underpin ecological responses to environmental change, the limits to ecological adaptation, and how to predict ecological responses.

This research-led module is one of three core modules on the MSc Global Change Ecology and Evolution Programme, and it will be delivered using a mixture of lectures, workshops, and student-led discussions exploring the state-of-the-art of human-impacted ecology. To ensure all students are at the same level of ecological understanding, teaching will include revision of core ecological concepts and approaches.

Authentic assessment is delivered through two coursework assignments: i) a ‘pitch-to-peers’ presentation of an evidence-based solution to a global change impact scenario, and ii) an evidenced-based report on prioritisation of non-native species for eradication. These assignments are designed so that students can demonstrate their critical appraisal, synthesis, and communication skills.