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Code: ALGY128

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 1

What did it feel like to be an Ancient Egyptian? What did they think? How did they feel? What was important to them? It is often difficult to answer these questions from archaeology alone, and to really gain a deeper insight in Egyptian culture we also need to look at what they wrote, and how they wrote it. This course is an introduction to reading the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script and language, in the stage of the language called ‘Middle Egyptian’, which the Egyptians considered the ‘classic’ form of their language. It begins with teaching how to read the hieroglyphic script itself (e.g. sign values) before moving on reading whole words, and then on to cover basic Egyptian sentence structures (e.g. syntax). Students are taught to read certain selected inscription types (e.g. the offering formula), of the sort that are found on inscribed Egyptian objects in all major museums.