Astronomy Field Trip - Tenerife 2018

Some snapshots...

Lenticular clouds over Mt Teide
Two teams of students were trained to use the
Mons telescope during the one-week field trip.

The students calculated object coordinates and moved
the telescope manually using the setting circles.

Teide Observatory

Working on the Mons

Working on the Mons

Working on the Mons

Working on the Mons

Working on the Mons

Working on the Mons

Don't move the camera!

Working on the Mons

At the controls of the IAC-80

Working on the Mons

Group and Milky Way

Group and Milky Way

Group and Milky Way

Group and Milky Way

View of the caldera

Group and observatory

Group and Mt Teide

Group and rocks

At one with the rocks

Some astrophotography...

The image on the right shows Antares
(the brightest star in the constellation
of Scorpius) and the Rho Ophiuchi
molecular cloud complex.

This star-forming region is one of
the closest to us at a distance of
about 400 light-years.

It was taken with a Nikon
D7500 DSLR and a 135mm f/2 lens
mounted on an iOptron SkyTracker.

Antares and Rho Ophiuchi

The image is the result of
stacking (adding together)
60 individual exposures
each of which was 120s long.

Click here for a labelled image.

Star trails over Teide Observatory
Nikon D7500 DSLR + 10mm fisheye lens
Stack of one-minute exposures taken over about 3 hours
Star trails with 'comet' effect over Teide Observatory
Nikon D7500 DSLR + 10mm fisheye lens
Stack of one-minute exposures taken over about 3 hours
Star trails with 'comet' effect over Teide Observatory
Nikon D7500 DSLR + 10mm fisheye lens
Stack of one-minute exposures taken over about 3 hours
Star trails with 'comet' effect over Teide Observatory
Nikon D7500 DSLR + 10mm fisheye lens
Stack of one-minute exposures taken over about 1 hour
Star trail movie: Circling Polaris
Star trail movie: With red 'painted' foreground
Star trail movie: Over western horizon

Steve Barrett    July 2018

All images © Steve Barrett 2018

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