Crystallographic Orientation Imaging using Polarising Microscopy

AKA Principles of Computer-Integrated Polarisation (CIP) Image Analysis for Mac OS X

What is PrinCIPia?

PrinCIPia is a Mac OS application that handles the calculation, display, analysis and manipulation of images representing the crystallographic orientation of grains in rock samples imaged by a polarising microscope. It is a customised edition of the general purpose image analysis software Image SXM that was developed in collaboration with Professor Renée Heilbronner at the University of Basel.

What is Orientation Imaging?

For the principles behind orientation imaging
see Chapters 21-23 of
Image Analysis in Earth Sciences
by Heilbronner and Barrett

How do I use PrinCIPia?

As PrinCIPia is still under development, full documentation on the use of PrinCIPia is not yet available. A document is being prepared that summarises the function of each menu item, shows the user input dialog boxes and describes how the calculations and analysis are carried out.

The first version of this document is available here: PrinCIPia-192

Steve Barrett     August 2013

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