J.W.Bruce and P.J.Giblin Curves and Singularities, Cambridge
University Press, xii + 222 pages, 1984 (reprinted with
corrections 1987).
Russian translation with an introduction by V.I.Arnol'd, MIR
publishers, Moscow, 1988.
Second English edition (revised and enlarged), xviii + 321pp,
J.W.Bruce, P.J.Giblin and P.J.Rippon Microcomputers and
Mathematics, xvi + 425pp, Cambridge University Press, 1990;
reprinted 1993.
ed. by P.J.Giblin and I.R.Porteous, Challenging Mathematics,
96pp, Oxford University Press, 1990. Polish translation,
pub. Wydawnictwa Szkolne e Pedagogiczne 1995.
Primes and Programming: an introduction to Number Theory
with Computing, x + 239pp. Cambridge University Press,
1993, reprinted 1994.
K.Chen, P.J.Giblin and A.C.Irving,
Mathematical Explorations in Matlab, Cambridge University Press,xiv+306pp. (1999).
P.L.Hallinan, G.G.Gordon, A.L.Yuille, P.Giblin and D.Mumford, Two and three
dimensional patterns of the face, viii+262 pages, Natick, Massachusetts: A.K.Peters 1999.
R.Cipolla and P.J.Giblin, Visual Motion of curves and surfaces, viii + 184pp.
Cambridge University Press, 1999.
James Damon, Peter Giblin and Gareth Haslinger. Local Features in Natural Images via Singularity Theory,, x + 255pp.
Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol 2165 (2016).