Department of Mathematical Sciences
Mathematics Building
Liverpool. L69 7ZL
United Kingdom

Research Interests
I work on Complex Dynamics, specifically on the dynamics of rational maps
of the extended complex plane. This is a field which has strong
connections with other areas, particularly with various types of geometry.
In my case, this means the geometry of Teichmuller spaces.
For present and potential graduate students
Ph.D. projects
Poster production in latex
Ph DThesis of Freddie Exall
Ph DThesis of Joan Cushen, 1951
My thesis, Distal Transformation Groups, 1977
Preprints and Publications
Preprints and publications
Conferences and workshops
The 9th William Rowan Hamilton Geometry and Topology Workshop, Geometry and Groups after Thurston, at the HMI, Dublin, August 27-31, 2013
Complex Dynamics Workshop at Liverpool 14-18 January 2008
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Report on EPSRC grant number GR/K/75453 (Gavin L. Jones)