School of Psychology

Head of School Newsletter, 5th December 2016


Congratulations to Laurence Alison who has been nominated for the Staff Awards, but who I failed to mention last time (apologies).

Kate M Bennett has been appointed Head of School of Psychology and Dr Mike Speed has been appointed Head of the School of Life Sciences.

Congratulations to Laura Golding and Gundi Kiemle (Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme) who, together with Mark Gabbay & Marina Anderson, were awarded a Schwartz Award for Best Schwartz Innovation by the Point of Care Foundation in November 2016. The main purpose of Schwartz Rounds is to explore the human and emotional aspects of the experience of delivering healthcare and the challenges that staff face from day to day. The Rounds use a large group format and reflective practice to promote staff wellbeing, resilience and empathy. The focus is on staff wellbeing to improve patient care. Funded by Health Education England (North West), the University of Liverpool project involves running multiprofessional Rounds with students across its many healthcare programmes including nursing, occupational therapy, medicine, diagnostic radiography, radiotherapy and physiotherapy. This is the first UK university to run multiprofessional Rounds with students. Rhiannon Barker, from the Point of Care Foundation, attended two Rounds in October and has written an account of this in a recent blog -

Congratulations to all our students Graduating this week - both our on-campus and on-line students.

Congratulations to Paul Christiansen and Nicola on their engagement.


Welcomes and Goodbyes

Victoria Vass and Greg Keenan have now started - they can be found in Laura Soulsby and Freya O'Brien's offices.

New Staff in the DClin Programme Include: Ross White (Reader/Research Director, Victoria McLoughlin (Student Experience Administration Assistant), Emily Joseph (Student Experience Administration Assistant), Ste Weatherhead (Senior University Clinical Tutor).

Goodbye, Thank you and Good Luck Down Under to Craig Thorley.

New Posts

The closing date has just passed for the 2 new posts in Psychology. We will let staff know when we are interviewing for them, and I intend to open up the talks to staff. We are advertising for a new post in Clinical Psychology. Please publicise it. A Business Case is being made for more new posts both academic and administrative, to be shared between School and Department. More news will follow when details are finalised.

Other News

The School Annual Subject Review for undergraduate programmes has been accepted by Faculty.

I have moved offices to 2.12, the Head of School Office, but my number (Ext 41410 will move with me (sometime!).

The Leads for the Psychology Review are presenting their findings to Professor Gavin Brown on the 5th of December. We will be consulting on our recommendations in the New Year.

Helen Hubbard has returned safely from China we are looking forward to hearing about her experiences.

Last but not Least

The Psychology Christmas Gig will be held on Friday 9th December in the Guild Basement at 2pm.

Christmas Lunch: Time & Date: Tuesday, 20th December 2016 at 1pm: Venue: The Refiner; Price: £18 for 3 courses; Followed by karaoke.
