Yacht Patricia built 1895, wood, 1 mast, cutter rig, 10 nt
owned William Clegg of Liverpool plus 3 others.
Leisure cruise: return from Douglas, Isle of Man, to Liverpool
Damaged in storm and abandoned with 1 crew member lost,
15 miles west of Nelson Buoy, on Thursday 28 July 1910.
Contemporary newspaper reports give more detail: 4 men on a jointly-owned wooden yacht on a leisure cruise. The yacht was abandoned en route from the Isle of Man to Liverpool [or Conwy], and was reported to have sunk 15 miles west of the Nelson buoy [buoy offshore of entrance to Ribble Estuary]. The location of loss is also given as 53°39N, 3°42.5W which is about 18 nm at 255° from the Nelson Buoy[now removed] off the mouth of the Ribble. This position is NW of the Conwy oil rig. This position is also consistent with an intended destination of Conwy, as reported in the BOT wreck register, rather than Liverpool.
From Lloyd's List Monday 1st August 1910
Small yacht Patrician[sic], owned by Mr. Wm. Clegg, when returning
from Douglas for Liverpool on Thursday encountered heavy weather. One person
was washed overboard, the remaining three were picked up by a passing steamer
and taken to Liverpool.
From Lloyd's List Wednesday 3rd August 1910
PATRICIA. - Preston, July 30. - The Storm(s) from Dublin, reports :
July 29, at 11 30 a.m., fell in with the small fishing boat Patricia, slate
colour, name of port not seen, with one mast, "barked sails"[died red with
bark], and boat lashed on deck. Made an attempt to get hold of her, but she
sank 15 miles west of Nelson Buoy, Ribble estuary.
From Derby Daily Telegraph - Monday 01 August 1910
A mishap occurred on Thursday in the Irish Sea to a
yacht, the Patricia, owned by four Liverpool men. Some the facts have become
known during the week-end. Mr. W. Clegg, an inspector in the Liverpool
Corporation Gas Department and three companions, set out earlier in the week
for a cruise to the Isle of Man, and on Tuesday they sailed from Douglas
intending to cross to Ireland, but the weather was very bad and they decided to run
for Liverpool. In the stress of the weather, it became necessary to attend to
some of the gear, and one of Mr. Clegg's companions, whose name has not been
ascertained, was so unfortunate as to be swept overboard by the boom. The sea
was very rough, and the little craft was becoming unmanageable, so that, in
spite of all their efforts, the three remaining members of her crew could not
save their friend. Heavy seas broke aboard the yacht, and she shipped a
dangerous amount of water. The men hoisted an oilskin coat to the masthead as
a signal of distress, and about eight o'clock on Friday morning they were
sighted by the watch of the City liner City of Benares, inward bound for
Liverpool. She bore down towards the helpless yacht, and after much
difficulty, the three men were able to climb a rope ladder onto the liner's
deck. They were greatly exhausted, and overcome by the shock of losing their
companion who was a brother of one of the men saved. Their yacht battered
itself against the liner's side, its boom and bowsprit were broken, and it had
to be abandoned. It drifted on to the Mersey Bar, and there lay derelict on
Sunday night.
From Liverpool Echo, Monday 01 August 1910
Exciting Voyage from the Isle of Man.
The somewhat belated tidings of the terrible experiences, of a yachting
party belonging to Liverpool, transpired on Saturday. Three gentlemen arrived the previous
evening at the Landing-stage and reported an exciting adventure. It appears,
from what information can be gleaned,
that four persons, one of whom was Mr. William Clegg, an inspector in the
Gas and Electric Lighting Department of the Corporation,
became joint owers of yacht called the Patricia, a cutter of some ten
tons burden.
The Patricia was well found in every resect, and the joint owners were very
proud of her performance. They were in the habit of visiting Rhyl, Llandudno
and other places, but had not, so it seems, undertaken any prolonged cruise in
the open sea. Time and opportunity being given, they resolved to go to the
Isle of Man and afterwards to Ireland, their destination being Donaghadee, a
pleasant suburb of Belfast, and a great yachting rendezvous. A number of happy
days were spent in the neighbourhood of Douglas, and a start was made for
Belfast Lough, but the weather conditions were found to very unfavourable,
and, as a result the yachtsmen decided to return to the Isle of Man, where
they safely arrived and found excellent shelter.
The Yacht was making its way to Liverpool on Thursday, when very high winds
prevailed, which caused great
anxiety amongst the yachtsmen, though they bravely held up against
the difficulties of the situation. Ultimately, in spite of the best seamanship,
a big wave struck the Patricia, which was labouring much, and she was
practically engulfed.
All four men were thrown into the water. Three of them regained the
capsized vessel and, fortunately, their position attracted the attention of a
passing boat, by which they were rescued; but the fourth could nowhere
be seen, and there is little doubt but that he perished.
Inquiries this morning show that the accident is still enshrouded in some
mystery. ... The names of three of the four men on board, as far as can be
ascertained, were Clegg, Dorrin and Wilson. The fourth man is not at present
known. The accident occurred during a severe squall. The wind suddenly caught
the yacht with such force that the mast went by the board and fell into
the water. The yacht then ran before the wind, trailing the sheet. In order
to get the yacht right, one of the four sprang along the deck, either to
cut the mast away or to clear the gear. He was in the act of doing something
like this when another squall struck him and threw him into the water. When he
realised that he had lost his foothold, the yachtsman seized the lifebuoy, but this
was said to be loose and fell with him into the sea. He was not seen again by
his companions, and whether he succeeded in gettng the buoy over his shoulders
is not known. If he succeeded in doing this he might have been picked up by a
passing vessel.